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Sunday, July 22, 2007,1:14 AM

Wow, its really been a long time. nothing much happened. Basically its just work, work and work.

Surprises in Life ? Nothing in life surprises me anymore. Had too much too take within the past one year so nothing in life surprises me.

Happy moments ? Yes, Kak Lina just got married, Happy for you and congratulations. My son is growing well to become a strong boy. And I finally got my blue french lace for my kebaya, goodness, it cost me a bomb. This year is gonna be blue for the 3 of us.

Sad Moments ? Plenty, numerous, uncountable. The past one year has been a challenge in life for me. But I took up the challenge and hope everything will be over soon. To the fella who's giving me problems, u know who u are. Please, no secrets between us from now on. You know you can count on me and we'll get thru this together okay ?

But overall, I still feel good about myself. Only that I wanted to add something which I discovered recently. I'm quite 'beh song' (tak puas hati lah) about it and I really wanna spell it out. Some people are just not sincere about helping other people out. You, help them out, and when the person seeking help from you cannot fulfill their promise with you in time, you tell the whole world about it. This concerns money alright, i'm gonna be frank. And mind you, the amount is so meagre. I am not trying to be boastful but, I have invested my whole life savings (around 22k) for somebody who is desperately in need. I just felt like there is no sincerity at all. Just a meagre amount but you go around telling other people's shit to others. Sick isn't it ?

Life has been one hell of a journey for me. But I learnt and I am still learning. I was on the verge of giving everything up but I persevere. I will get thru this difficult phase in life, insyallah.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007,11:23 PM

Wow, felt like haven't been blogging in a thousand years. Well so much things happened to me and Fawcett. I thank god (Syukur Alhamdulillah) that I was granted with a healthy baby boy, Mohd Faris Haziq. Difficult pregnancy in early stages, but alhamdulillah all goes well in the 3rd trimester. I tasted long labour hours but it was all worth it. 19 hours of labour. No words could described how I felt when I saw my son for the first time. The feeling was just magic.

3 months of maternity leave. Stayed home to look after my son. Didn't feel like going back to work. But had to coz needed money. This is my 2nd week at work. Well, everything has changed so much after 3 months. Just moved to the new annexe building, new floor, new desk, new laptop, new email system...for a while I felt so lost and not able to catch up. Lotsa training, lotsa work, sometimes feel just could not cope. Sometimes you just feel sick. But no work no money. Can't live without money, I mean admit it who doesn't right ?

If only I could quit my job and look after my son that would be the most fulfilling job in the world but sadly cannot part with my $$ for now. I do not have the courage still to sacrifice my well earned job right now. I know I will one day.

My baby is sleeping so peacefully now. I love looking at him sleep. I miss my husband. Haven't talked to him in days coz he is in the afternoon shift.

I hope with the arrival of my precious gem, life will turn to be how I want it to be. Life didn't exactly turn out the way I want it to be after I got married. I learnt so much in life for the past 1 year. Let that be a lesson in life for me.

And Fawcett, in case I didn't tell you, the time that I heard you will be undergoing that op, I felt so lost. We cannot afford to lose a friend like you. You have to be strong okay ?? (I know you are).

Okay got to go now. Tomorrow working. Tired. Till then...

Friday, May 11, 2007,11:27 PM

Hey all... just to tell u that this blog of ours is back alive!! but now no time to update la... hehe see ya again soon!!!!


Thursday, December 21, 2006,3:06 PM

Hiya Pple! have you ever had the experience of gettng angry at someone (A), or maybe just a simple urgh - geram, and u complain or 'mengadu' to another person (B), and when that other person (B) also gets angry or geram at that someone (A), you just feel so disgusted at yourself? somehow the feeling of pity for (A) appears and you just feel so guilty for being so angry with (A)? and that guilty feeling stays with you for at least the whole day.

well, i get that - a lot! maybe i'm being too nice? maybe i just cant become and angry person? maybe maybe n maybe.... haizzzz...

Moral of the story, whenever you get angry, complain it to a teddy bear. let it all out to a non living thing. and once u feel better, the angry feeling just goes away. and you'll live happily ever efter. khekhekhe..... Reality check : humans are never perfect ;) Take care all!!


Monday, December 18, 2006,4:31 PM

Hey all... I'm sitting in the office alone, with nothing much to do at the moment. Read frens blogs, surfed the net, checked email and now left with nothing to look at. So while staring at the screen with a blank mind, i realise that life is so full of surprises. Be it good or bad, it's still a surprise. As the saying goes, life's like a box of chocolates. You'll never know wat u gonna get. (well to me at least, chocolates are always good khekhe)the difference between them, chocolates are man made. and life is from the Almighty.

God gives us a life to live without the absence of a challenge. Whether its family, friends, career, love, financial there's bound to be a challenge or simply said, a problem. Sometimes life may be quite smooth for us who take things easy and dun expect much. But when at one point we are forced to face reality, even an easy-going or a happy-go-lucky person can 'break'. I've seen a lot of examples during my 25 yrs of life. (Gosh i'm already 25!) And in all cases, its only one thing that keeps a person going. Faith and believe. (ok that's 2 things oops) and a positive Mind. (that's 3). and perseverence and religion. (i shall stop counting). All these when comes together, it makes a person pull thru and survived the challenge. Easier said than done of course. But nevertheless, one should remind themselves of these things when stuffs happens, cos they happen with a reason. Trying to find wat the reason is may be difficult, but can be interesting. Its like mountain-climbing or white water rafting (hee this is out of topic, but suddenly i tot of doing these things, well, InsyaAllah)

Hmmm, moral of story, i cant write serious stuffs for long. Khkehkehe. yea tried to have a change in my blogging style but i cant!! Anyway, take care all and Happy holidays!!


Thursday, December 14, 2006,12:31 PM

First and foremost, my heartiest congratulations to Sabaria and Riz who tied the knot last week. Wow, from the videoclip, nampak grand banget. Cantik nye bilik dia. And yaya looked so beautiful. So different from me the other time i got married. Dun ask why but those who knew please keep it to yourself.

Di harapkan kedua mempelai kita ini berbahagia hingga ke akhir hayat. Bersabar dalam menempuhi segala dugaan di alam rumahtangga. Dulu I tak percaya, but seriously banyak sekali dugaan yg dicabarkan oleh tuhan for me but I perservere. This is when I started to be patient in life and become a stronger person. I couldn't have done it if not for my son coz its because of him who gave me the inspiration and courage to think and act positively.

I hope I wont scare my friends who has just got married or going to be married for this testimonial of mine. Marriage is a beautiful thing, depending on how you play your part. Honesty and Loyalty is a must. Wasalam -ShahFendi-

Wednesday, December 13, 2006,11:10 PM

Hey all.... Just a short note to wish Selamat Pengantin Baru to a dear fren Sabaria Wahid and husband Wan Rizal. There's a small lil gift up there for ya and hubby hehe... from yours truly... co-starring Zean! hehehe... have fun.... and take care all!

ps: will update more on my life soon!

- FaWcEtT -

Friday, November 17, 2006,1:20 AM

Sunday 12 nov, aku shah ngn pen gi open house cum doa selamat kat umah wati.. malangnya, satay limited ari tu hehhee… sempat mkn 2 btg jek! Alhamdullilah, rezeki.. pas tu aku mkn mee soto fuh sedap! Kenyang jugak perut aku…

Pas tu, kita pick aji up and off to CCK crescent, umah kakak kak lina… kesian kakak dia uwek uwek… pas tu niece dia pon uwek uwek…kak lina hidangkan murtabak yg dgn penat lelah nya dia tebar kat kedai kopi bawah blok hehe,, sedap kau! Nampak je mcm byk dia hidangkan… last2 mcm nak kat abis… sapa ajer yg bedal byk tu… tsk tsk tsk…

Hehehe, tu ajer la yg aku leh update kan… penat jari nie menaip… hhehehe… lain kali citer lagi…

To all, take care, selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin and cheers always!!
Wasalam… -FaWcEtT-

,1:19 AM

Assalammualaikum semua!! Rindu saya tak? Kwang kwang kwanggggg….hehe sorry la dah lama tak update sebab dah lama tak online kat umah… kalau kat ofis plak byk keje, asal nak blog je bos panggil, asal nak blog je customer call… isk tak senang hidup aku heheheh…

Ok wat shall I talk abt? Well im supposed to blog abt our raya gathering and upload the pics… tapi malangnya, camera bapak aku bawak gi office daaa… tak sempat nak transfer gambar into the pc.. agaknyer, bapak aku nak promote anak dara dia kat mamat2 hensem kat office dia tak? Hhehe jgn mamat2 tu terpikat kat bini org sua… hehehe anyways, yg nak telek gambar2 tu , gi la visit sab nya multiply k? aku dah update link dia to the correct address hehe.. semua gambar tu sama je dlm camera aku, malah ader lebih lagi (cheh malah seh!)

So, 11 Nov 2006 was a memorable one.. tak sekecoh yg sudah sudah… ( sayangggg… yg sudah tu sudah… heheh) bertolak very late this yr..after work, went straight home and I went out from home @ 4pm +/-. Picked ismail up, then shah then lene and sabaria…pas tu, kita drive to CCK ave 4 umah ati & izat. Setibanya kami di sana, di jamu selera dgn kuih-muih raya with fried bee hoon and chicken wings!! (yes mail, I ate 3 pieces! Lapar beb balik keje lom makan lagi, lagipon tak baik membazir.. cian ati penat2 goreng hehehe)

pas tu zoom zoom and away to juorng west st apa ek? Hehe sorry zean, tak ingat.. I drebar je, co-pilot org lain hehehe… ati & family with mail, lene n sab went first, while I n shah picked pen up from his mom’s place. Pas tu aji join kita kt bawah blok hehe… fuh nasib la tak sama kaler tahun nie… kalau tak betul2 punyer kena coloured aku! kat umah mak zean lak, minum air teh panas, fuh best!! Pekena lak ngn nuggets, tsk tsk, aku sampai tgk dah separuh jln… kebuloq betui budak2 nie… maklomlah hari ujan.. hhehe.. Baby boy Aniq Aqmar tgh tido.. he look so cute and hensem.. malangnya aku tak larat nak dukung.. sorry la eh zean, bukan tak sudi, tapi tak kuat..hehe pas tu time nak balik yg paling best, mak zean nak kenal2kan aku ngn satu budak nie hahahaha, tak leh angz seh!! Walaubagaimanapon, time kasih lah eh cik… mulia hati cik…

pas umah hazean, umah lene… masuk je, cik ros tegur aku dah gemuk… uweeeekkkkk!!! Hehhe. Kita makan mee goreng pedas power and special spread of the day, horse shoe choc nutella cake… if that’s wat u called it hehe,,, maceh eh cik ros, susah2 je masak2… so jadi ke tak tgk filem Hindustan lepas tu? Hehehe….anyway cik ros, umah shah tu umah pen jugak.. muahahahahahahha!!

Pas tu kita head to umah mak pen… biasalah, apa lagi on the menu… KACANG PHOOL! Feeee wiiiittttttt….. mcm nak bungkus jek…khehkehe sampaikan bee hoon bday tak tersentuh pon, nasiblah shah makan sampai 2 pinggan ( ke 3 shah?) hehe … sejuk ati mak mertua dia tgk ader jugk yg mkn bee hoon tu,,

Then straight to umah sab… ingatkan mak nyer takder, sekali ader daaaaa… nasib aku tak terpekik terlolong masa masuk umah tu… malu jek… kari daging ngn roti perancis jadi hidangan nyer. Ingatkan semua dah kekenyangan, eeeehh takkk, boleh muat lagik perut tu… yerlah rezeki kan… hhehee….but of cos, hidangan kat umah sab yg takder org leh lawan… FRUITS!!! Tak lepas beb!

Pas tu jeng jeng jeng… umah aku plak… mak aku masak roti kirai ngn kari ayam… laju plak mak aku masak… sebab masa aku kuar tadi takder apa yg siap pon hehe…wa caya sama lu la mama! **TABIK** sebab mail ngn lene kata sedap, dorang dpt bonus for breakfast.. hekjkeekjekeje…. Paham2 je la eh…

Unfortunately, ati & fanily got to go off lepas umah aku… dunno wahts the real reason tapi dgr2 ader org dtg umah dorang… isk isk mlm2 dtg umah org… (haha mcm terkena diri sendiri) so off we go to shah’s place… same as last yr, good choice for the last house, fish & chips (w/o the chips hehe) & tempura fried chicken… fuh tak sangka aku bedal byk jugak.. tulang2 sembunyi dlm tisu heheh…oh not forgetting Ondeh2 kaler oren hehe.. fuh lazattttt………!! Everything finishes about 1230 am.. hehe pas tu we’ve got a change of clothes then me shah pen aji and poi went out to send aji’s car to queenstown prison and then, clementi road here we come! Teh tarik and maggi goreng double jadi supper kita… heheh ….

Mak Datok! Panjang nya citer aku… hehe happy happy selalu!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006,10:54 AM

Hehe, malas nak tulis entry baru, aku update kat sini je la eh... (6 Nov 06 @ 1724)
Halo Halo Halo!! Apa kabar semua??? Dah seminggu dah entry aku yg last tu... so far, ader la jugak response. yg lom response tu, sebab tak baca blog nie haha! takper nanti biler aku free aku sms yg lain2 tu.

Yang dah confirm (InsyaAllah):
1) Farah
2) Sabaria
3) Aishah (5pm onwards)
4) Fendi (5pm onwards)
5) Lene
6) Suriati
7) Ismail
8) Razi (7pm onwards)

Yang dah response tapi tak pasti:
1) Fairoz
2) Juwita

Yang dah response & cant make it:
1) Kak lina
2) Hazean
3) Wati
4) Zuriat
5) Azrina

k la semua!! take care and selamat berbuka nanti!!

ps: sesapa yg nanti gi solat wajib/solat terawih/solat hajat/solat sunat, tolong do'akan i sihat eh.. rasa macam lembik semacam satu badan i nie. tima kaseh!!

Wasalam - FaWcEtT -

Monday, October 02, 2006,4:12 PM

Assalammualaikum semua!! hehehe.... dah sebulan kita tak blog ek.... maklomlah... busy sakan... sebelom apa2, aku... eh salah... saya nak ucapkan selamat berpuasa utk semua, dan selamat berbuka puasa nanti hehe!!

so... dari ari tu sebenarnya nak blog, tapi asik lesu ajer.. nie pon blog sebab ader kawan tu sorang, si yayot ke yaya ke sab ke, dah tanya biler nak jalan raya.. hehe... so pikir punyer pikir... InsyaAllah boleh la...

apa kata, this yr kiter buat on the 11th of nov? hari sabtu... biasalah, sesapa yg kerja stgh hari tu pon i rasa takder masalah sebab kita pon kuar tgh hari hehe... from experience, tiap kali konon nya nak kuar pagi asik terdelay jer... apa tak nya... kita kan orang melayu hehe.. ok so sesapa yg baca blog nie, tag la yer... nie list of invites yg aku nak ajak berjalan raya... yg keje shift tu, kalau u all leh make it alhamdullilah... yg tak leh make it tu jemputlah dtg ke rumah yer... khekhe

1) Farah
2) Sabaria & Rizal
3) Aishah & Fendi
4) Hazean & Shahril
5) Kak Lina & Abg Mizan (hari ini kau dtg riang... khekehe)
6) Lene
7) Razi
8) Ismail
9) Azrina
10) Suriati & Izat
11) Juwita & Jay
12) Wati & Saiful
13) Zuriat & Dek Nur
14) Fairoz & Eza
15) Shirley ?!?! hehe.. shirley if u reading, i kidding only :P of cos u are invited
16) dan yg sewaktu dgnnyer... (yg tertinggal tu jgn marah eh... tak baik marah2 tgh puasa hehehe)

rasa mcm tu jer kan...?? so yg boleh ikut tu ikutlah yer, yg baru lepas bersalin tu, kalau dah abis pantang & kalau larat boleh la join eh, hehe nanti apa2 susah pulak.. aku nie first aider expired khekhee.. so comments can be tagged or emailed to me at farizza@starhub.net.sg or zazz02@hotmail.com

ok tu bab raya aku dah habaq... nie bab bulan ramadan plak... rasa mcm nak buat gathering kecik buka puasa sesama, maybe kat jrg point je la hehe.. nak gi geylang pon boleh mcm dulu2, tapi tu la, nak tau siapa nak apa.. suggestions are welcome. cadangan nya tu anytime from today till 10 days b4 raya... weekdays pon boleh.. bab nie aku tak paksa sebab ader yg nak buka ngn family, ader yg nak gi solat terawih, ader yg nak buat persiapan hari raya dan lain2. so kalau tak pon, shah, kau aku ngn pen ajer la buka kat luar one of these days. hehe.

ok all... selamat menjalani ibadah puasa, dan jgn merindui aku sgt... hehehe!! Wassalam.


,12:38 PM

Assalamualaikum w.r.b. Mesti tertib, maklumlah sekarang ni bulan Ramadhan yg mulia. Its been years since i blogged coz no mood lah. I'm ok though, starting to eat but still not having huge appetite. No weight gain infact seem to be losing. 5 months pregnant and weighing only 49 kg. But alhamdulillah boleh berpuasa. Cant wait to give birth to this little one so that i can play with him. Got my house keys but I was the least interested about it. We even missed the HDB collection of keys appointment until HDB has to call me up to remind me. Pathetic kan. So many things happened. Things that broke my heart, my trust.....How I wish I had listened to my heart.....I am not regretting things in life but given a choice I would love to turn back time and think wisely.

Oh yeah, Watie has given birth to a baby girl. Me, Farah and Fendi thought of visiting her tonight. Cant wait to see and hold the baby. Wonder what's her name.

Malas nak cerita panjang berjela. Lagipun puasa, tak boleh cakap banyak, takut boleh datangkan dosa. Hehehe....


Tuesday, August 29, 2006,11:07 AM

Good morning all!! I'm back all cheerful and smily heeeeee =D Ye la apa tidak nya, ader kesayangan baru hehe.. sebelom tu, aku nak citer sikit la abt the topic on spending... Ye la sekarang kita semua dah up sikit... ader duit lebih mesti tangan gatal nak beli barang baru.. dah lah baru, 'branded' lak tu.. takmo kalah.. kekadang aku tgk org shopping, aku yg seram... walaupon duit dorang, rasa mcm duit aku plak yg dorang pakai. to me its all abt knowing the difference between needs and wants. ye la aku ni keje, kais pagi makan pagi.. tak la miskin, mewah pon tak, tapi aku tak complain ah, alhamdullilah cukup makan.. (tapi kekdg pon bak kata sudin.. "sesak daaa")..sebab tu maybe i'm not the person who likes to shop.. tapi kan kekadang aku terpikir gak, i dun like to spend becos i dun have the money or i dun like to waste or is it just me being 'cheapskate'. hehe tak sedap betul dgr tu word. watever it is yg aku tau, selalu nya bila aku teringin nak beli barang, hati kecilku berbisik (cheh wah), 'eh takmo beli lah, sayang seh duit' haizzzz dunia dunia... kalau aku beli barang pon, benda2 yg murah... aku tak segan pakai brg2 palsu hehe.. bukannya orang nak telek kan jam apa aku pakai, jeans apa aku pakai... asalkan aku pakai... jgn tak pakai, tu dah lain citer. haha k dah melalut lak... so let me introduce to you, Cintaku yg terbaru.... Mr Sony Ericsson w810i. *applause applause*
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amacam hensem tak? hehe actually kan, aku tukar hp pon sebab dapat voucher $100 from starhub. tu pon aku rasa sayang nak beli hp mahal.ingat beli yg murah je. tapi atas nasihat abang aku yg tercinta, aku beli hp nie... sebab dia kata i'm gonna be stuck with it for 2 yrs at least. pikir2 betul jugak ek.. aku pon tak pernah ader hp canggih. geram jugak tgk org2 skrg hp canggih2. itu pon aku tak puas, aku gi redeem another $50 voucher using my starhub points hehe and courtesy of my cousin Dianna, dia pon redeem kan another $50 voucher from her points.. Maceh eh Dian!! oklah all.. i've got to be back to work!! take care and have a nice day!! -FaWcEtT-

Friday, August 18, 2006,10:39 AM

Hello semua... ni kali aku blog nak lepaskan geram je... hehe... ader ke patut dorang campak online photoalbum aku kat attic!? isk isk isk tak patut....... dulu masa nak suruh aku register bukan manis lagi madahnya... unlimited photo space la, free for life la, itu la ini la... abih tu sekarang suruh aku bayar pulak... ah podaaaaaaaaaah! reason being, i didnt purchase or order any prints for the past year... macam mana nak order kalau korang tu tak hantar delivery kat singapore nie... wah wah mentang mentang singapore kecik... eehhhh kecik kecik cili padi tau...! pas tu, aku email kat korang tak nak jawab pulak... pas tu senang2 lambung album aku kat attic and kalau nak retrieve back bayar 99 bucks... aaaah sudahla... baik aku belanja kawan aku makan lagi baik!... ah nie blogspot nie pon tak lama lagi kena bayar kot? hehehe...

anyway... maybe its time for me to print out my photos hehe... ye la sejak first photo session aku with the digicam, tak ter print2 aku... takper la.. tunggu aku pindah rumah, baru ader tempat nak simpan gambar2 tu semua... now to be safe, i bettter save it in a disc..

ok lah better be back to work... aku sorang lagi kat ofis nie ari... boss aku outstation... best tu best la boss takder hehe... tapi kesunyian seh... perut pon berkeroncong je... haha food supplier takder... hehe si farah ni nak makan preeee je!

k la nak blog pasal these past few days pon takder apa sgt yg berlaku... cuma smlm gi visit pakcik aku kat hospital... kesian dia kena gout lagik... ok la Pa'eh, farah doakan Pa'eh cepat sembuh k. Take care!! ok all... have a good day and a good weekend ahead... adios amigos! aku berambos....

Wasalam..... -FaWcEtT-

Friday, August 11, 2006,10:41 AM

hey alll!! hehe... here i am @ Pandan Crescent while waiting for my car (well, my dad's) get all new again. Yeah i'm at the Toyota Service Centre now. Half hour has gone since they brought in my car. probably its another hour wait. Thank goodness they are so kind to provide 02 sets of free internet surfing, and i dun even have to fight for it.. yeah most of them are uncles n pakciks and no one is on the other terminal.So unlikely here in Singapore to see a free internet terminal with no one using. Oh well...so i had a half day off today... yeah morning off... got to head down to office at 1pm later...... mmmmm... now my head suddenly get jam, not knowing wat else to blog... well ok then, i guess i just have to keep my dad company... till later all!!.........

ok b4 i go, would just like to thank me girl frens for a very great night that day... great fun and i'm so touched to know that pertalian persahabatan kita tetap seakrab dulu walaupon masing2 sibuk dgn hal sendiri. hope to do it again sometimes... anyway just to announce that Suriati has given birth to a baby boy in June :) Congrats Ati!! Wasalam. -FaWcEtT-

Friday, August 04, 2006,2:48 PM

Hiya All!! i'm at work now... kind of nothing to do... ader tu ader la tapi not THAT important.. lagipon boss not in town hehehe.. ok this will just be a short entry.

Well i suddenly tot of barbequed chicken wings... nope not the one where we can buy @ East Coast Lagoon or whereever, but the one yg kita panggang sendiri.. so pikir punyer pikir mcm dah lama tak pegi east coast park picnic cum barbeque.. so amacam geng? any takers??? Tag me ur opinions! -FaWcEtT-

Thursday, August 03, 2006,12:47 PM

Terasa amat rindu kepada kawan-kawan ku semua. I really miss our friends. Kak Lina, Marlina (Lene, dimana kau menghilang sekarang), Mail (I miss your merepek jokes). These are the people who never fail to amuse you with their antiques. Haha, merepek seh bila berbual. What a pity now, I am not really feeling well. I am not really mobile now and so to go out is quite a problem for me. Maybe one day, after my appetite has recovered, all of us shall go out to eat okay. Lets pig out !

Si Farah ni, tulis begitu buat aku sedih aje. Dah lah memang emotional sekarang ni. Remember Farah, kau dah janji Ita kan to go for check up, so make sure you go okay. Pasal kuih Hong Kong Goreng tu, take your time lah. Tak lah sampai mengidam teruk.

Aku pun tak tau, boleh makan ke tidak. Every day the question of what to eat puts me into a dilemma. Food that I thought I can eat sometimes turn out my tummy cannot accept it. Morning sickness is really terrible. But i have to be patient, for the baby's sake. U very naughty baby, u make mummy vomit everyday, and u make me pass out in the bus last week, u make mummy have no appetite and weigh only 49kg, u make mummy eat McDonald's everyday but I still love you though sometimes i really feel like giving up. Thank you to my husband who has been putting up with my crap all this while. Thank you sayang for being patient with me, putting up with my cranky behaviour. Dun worry it will only last for 9 months.

To my mother, who has been taking care of me very well, thank you to you too, Mak. For washing my clothes, cleaning my room, buying and cooking for me things that I want.

To my friend Ita and Farah who has been kind enough to visit me and keep me company, thank you. Lain kali buat lagi okay. But u guys have to put up with my vomitting and complains okay and also keep the air clean.


Wednesday, August 02, 2006,11:48 PM

Assalammualaikum semuaaaa........ hehe yea i'm back i'm back... utk sesiapa yg rindukan aku tu, sorilah la eh buat korang sedih rindukan aku hehe... bukan apa, malas je nak blog... ish ish si farah ni malas je keje dia... bukan la malas tapi otak buntu... asal nak blog ajer otak jam, asal nak blog je jam... anyway banyak aku nak citerkan kat korang semua... but just dunno where to start.. well maybe for a start, just wanna say that i miss a good fren so much.. yes while looking thru her photo album, i realise dia pon ader blogsite daaa.. so kak lina, bila u nak date me out makan ice-cream?? i pegang tau janji u hehe.. teringat kisah masa time skolah dulu.. kak lina never fails to cheer me up with her jokes, her weirdo-ness, her advice. seriously, i really miss talking to u.. apa kabar u la agaknyer eh.. hopefully she still using the same hp number, n maybe its late for her to reply my sms...anyways while reading her blog, terasa insaf sekejap... lama-kelamaan mcm tiba2 aku terpikir abt my life so far... wat have i achieved in life... wat can i be proud of, wat am i ashamed of and when i did my calculations... aku rasa i didnt achieve much... i really dunno how to put it in words here... nak talk to somone abt it pon aku rasa i'm not up for it.. of cos not everything went wrong.. my family is alright, and especially with the new car, we've been spending more time out as one family... frens aku rasa makin bertambah although masing2 busy, we stil do hang out once in a while... relationship, well let's not even go there haha... but career... yes i'm really happy working in this travel agency, good boss, lots of flexibilty, lots of travel chances, lots of things & experience to learn from but somehow financially i'm still unstable... i know life is all about choices and sacrifice.. if i choose to stay, i have to sacrifice my earning power... but if i choose to get another job, maybe i'll have to sacrifice the working environment... so WAT DO I DO PPLE?? tu la dulu time skola, degil, tak sabar nak keje, hah padan ngan muka aku... rasain lu farah! but i guess nie semua satu dugaan dari Allah.. manusia mmg tak akan pernah puas dgn apa yg dia ader... so i guess i should be grateful that i do have a job at least... and that at least i can feed myself. Syukur Alhamdullilah...there's a lot more out there who earns less yet have more commitments...i guess other than tat, my life is alright... and if only my health gets better...i really dunno wats happening to me... nak complain pon tak guna.. all my frens that knows my condition advised me to go for a checkup, tapi aku degil.. aku tak pegi... bukan apa, i'm just afraid of hearing wat i dun want to hear. of cos its better to know than to suffer silently, but then... well i'll make sure i'll go for the check-up one fine day.
hmmm the entry might be toolong if i talk about some other stuffs.. so i guess i'll just have to share it out later.. Shah, one fine day i'll make the hong kong goreng for u k. do eat well and take good care of urself. aku nie takder experience pregnancy so i dunno wat u are feeling rite now, tapi kalau boleh time rasa nak marah tu istighfar la byk2 eh hehe... shall come to ur house one of these days.. to kak lina, nanti kita jumpa k... rindu ah hehe... ok to the rest, stay cheerful always!! adios amigos! Wasalam.... -FaWcEtT-

Friday, July 14, 2006,1:10 PM

Hello everybody, feeling bored at work so decided to pen something down. Life hasn't been great for me and you know what I really miss RICE ! Its been 2 weeks since I last ate rice. I just cant dun know why. The thought of rice in my mind is enough to make me vomit. Rice + Sambal, oh how i hate them. And now I love curries. Funny how is it when you are expecting you tend to lurve things that you hate before. So I have been surviving on bread every single day. My mum has been kind enough to vary her cooking to suit me coz she knows that I cant take rice. Just like yesterday when I went to IMM for my dinner, this couple sitting beside us was eating mee goreng. The moment I 'terpandang' the mee goreng, i nearly vomitted. Gosh, what is wrong with me. I haven't put on much weight. Last Tuesday went to see my gynae and my weight is only 49 kg. Pathetic isn't it, coz I haven't been eating much. Basically I do not want to eat, I have no appetite. It was hell for me. Dizzy spells, nauseousness its killing me. Baby be good to mummy okay. Dun give mummy so many problems. Mummy need to work, find money, lotsa them so that I can feed you, clothe you and provide you with everything.

Got to go now, tons of work piling. ~ShahFendi~

Saturday, July 01, 2006,9:44 PM

I am finally expecting. Joyous occasion for my husband but me ? I don't know. Looking forward for it actually but now with the giddiness, nauseousness and my abdominal pains I don't know. I'm like bedridden and all I want to do is sleep I'm okay when it comes to going to work but the moment i am home then all these things will haunt me. I'm worried coz I have been having abdominal pains which my friends and colleagues says they dun have it in their early months of pregnancy. Is it normal ? Whenever my abdominal is painful, I would rub my tummy and whisper to my baby not to give me trouble. Please baby, be good, do not give mummy trouble.

I'm in emotional turmoil now. I feel sad most of the time, nothing and nobody can make me happy. I am back in the state to where I was a month before I got married. If only I listened to my heart........Or maybe I am feeling lonely.

Its been long since I blogged. The other time I went to Tioman with my baby, it was fun. Haven't got the chance to download all my pix yet. On Thursday i went to visit Fawcett's mum with Ita. She is very ill and we all we were worried for her. I really hope she will recover fast.

I really do not have the mood to write anything more. That's all for now. Bye. ~ShahFendi~

Monday, June 12, 2006,4:41 PM

First, list down 20 friends names and asnwer the following questions abt them. here goes....

1) Aishah
2) Fendi
3) Arfah
4) Chin
5) Juwita
6) Jay
7) Lene
8) Sabaria
9) Lina
10) Sufian
11) Vincent
12) Lionel
13) Mariam
14) Abang
15) Apis
16) Dianna
17) Azrina
18) Shamri
19) Razi
20) Alip


How did you meet 14? [Abang]
At the hospital by fate. Never regretted meeting him hehe... best bro eva!

What would you do if you never met 1? [aishah]
if i never met aishah, wat can i do, cos i would not have known how great a fren she can be ;)

What would you do if 20 and 9 dated? [Alip, Lina]
muahahhaa... it can never happen... BIG generation gap!! hehe Alip's my ygr cousin la dei!

Did you ever liked 19? [Razi]
yeah, a great lepak fren....

Would 6 and 17 make a good couple? [Jay, Azrina]
hmmm... both staying quite near... hehehe but i guess Jay found the greatest love of his life already...

Describe 3 [Arfah]
SEMPOI!!!! hehee... great lepak buddy, great gossip monger, great holiday kaki... Lives in the world of her own, but i think i'm starting to know bits n pieces of her world.

Do you think 8 is attractive [Sabaria]
oh yes she definitely is... just prepare lots and lots of TISU!! ehehe...

Tell me something about 7 [Lene]
Anything goes.... Happy go lucky... Loves Green tea... Loves shopping.. Loves hanging out with me hehehhe....

Do you know any of 12's family [Lionel]
hehe... yeah, met his 3 daughters, met his wife... Great Boss!

What's 8 favourite? [Sabaria]
Tissue? hehe.... i know she likes a lot of things, but her favourite? hmm maybe planning for the wedding!! at least for now that's her fave pastime... right sab?

What would you do if 11 confesses that he/she likes you? [Vincent]
Hehe... already did years ago... but naaah its difficult, btw he's already married now... ;)

What language does 15 speak? [Apis]
Duh! English/Malay/Bits of Mandarin/Rubbish sometimes...

Who is 9 going out with? [Lina]
woooo... i would love to know myself.... ;)

How old is 16 now? [Dianna]
3 yrs my senior ;)

When was the last time you talked to 13? [Mariam]
Saturday On phone.

Who's 2 favourite band/ singer? [Fendi]
x-japan? hehehe... hmmm fave not too sure... i was supposed to know ay? since he's my karaoke buddy... but maybe exists/spoon/slam?? hehe.. ok ok i'll take note the next round ;)

Would you date 4? [Chin]
Can i Poi?? hehehe... Buti'll make sure i've got a strong mind or i'll end up IMH. hehehe

Would you date 7? [Lene]
If i'm white maybe? hehehe

Is 15 single? [Apis]
Hahaha!! dun think so... but he's saying he is... oh well....

What's 10's last name? [Sufian]
Abdul Wahab hehe...

Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 11? [Vincent]
told u, its difficult...

What school does 3 goes to ? [Arfah]
School in singapore... hehe which eh? oh i know!! RULANG?!

Where does 6 live? [Jay]
Taman Jurong block ### level 7

What's your favourite thing about 5? [Juwita]
Her food!! Her Lulur session!! Her home!! and her presence...

Whats the 3 things you dislike about 18? [Shamri]
Oh gosh... His frequent disappearance... Tat's all i can think of..other than that, he's ok ;)

To those who feel like it, please do this... its fun!! -FaWcEtT-

Sunday, May 21, 2006,4:22 PM

Haiz, apa lah nasib...My beloved husband is in the afternoon shift today. Didn't get to spend much time with him. Today woke up rather late. Tired from yesterday i guess. Went to the market with my baby just now bought meat, prawns, veggies. I am cooking today, so let mum rest. Start to cook right away after reaching home coz my baby needs packed lunch. Cooked oats prawns and veggies. Kiss him off to work and here am I all alone and bored. Think i'll drop by Ita's place later. Coz its so damn bored at home. If i have a child at home to entertain me that would be nice eh.

My baby and me planning to go Tioman on the 9th-11th June. He has taken leave and so do i. But haven't done the booking. How's Tioman? Does anybody out there can tell me if it is a nice place to go? I haven't been there. We wanna relax and make babies there. Is it a very relaxing place?

Oh yeah yesterday, we went to Fawcett's place, her cousin is getting married. Then off to Tekka to buy sarees...beautiful sarees...and they were damn cheap. Bought 3 sets. Then went back to Ita's place to rest a while. Went back midnight. My baby came home a lil while after me.

I am really feeling damn bored now. And the thought that my baby has to work overtime today sucks. Meaning I am not able to see him until Tuesday morning. Apa lah nasib, macam kentang. But i try to think on the positive side. No work no money, no money, no honey. Hahahaha.....Ganggu..Ganggu lah kepala otak aku ni.....-ShahFendi-

Monday, May 01, 2006,6:40 PM

Today its exactly a month I've been married but my baby is on the afternoon shift. So am all alone at home. Mum has been out every day to visit Hannah at the hospital. This little angel i hope she'll get well soon. She has been in the hospital for nearly a week and she's in a such sorry sight.

I have grown to be fat. My arms, they are getting bigger and so is my tummy. But i dun really eat much but i have been eating late these days. And after that, I'll go to sleep. What not jadik gemuk. I must stop doing that and get myself back to shape.

Last Saturday, my husband and I went to the airport to send off Pak Mok and family back to Perth. A lot of people send them off. All were there except for Pak Teh KL and Pak Dan. Riuh rendah kejap kat T2 tu.

Mmmm.....i dun know why but i have been feeling uneasy. As a new member in his family, sometimes i felt lost. I don't have a problem with anybody but i have this overly worried feeling that they might not be pleased with me, with things that I do. I dun know...really...Actually I kinda miss the times when me and ma used to go out shopping together and talked about a lot of things. But i felt that things are different now. Nevertheless, I love them with all my heart just like how I love their son.

Work ? I think I slack damn lot at work. I kept going home early and I don't give a damn about it. Well at least I was very pleased with my increment. Glad to know that I got quite a good percentage. And there is one thing i "beh tahan" with my colleagues. Rumour has it that I have applied for the post of inventory controller with logistics department. People have been asking Kak Noraini whether I'll be moving behind...Hey, I don't even know anything. Its true that I have the Specialist Diploma in Logistics Management and I was the best internal candidate but I did not apply for the post. I am not interested in working in the logistics line. And what surprised me was that even my big boss knew about the rumour. The logistics people behind have been coming up to me and kept asking me to accept the job. But i kept telling them I do not want it. I am happy with my current post. I am happy with my department. Though the workload sucks but hey the team spirit is there. Everybody help each other.

Baby ? Looking forward to have one. Hoping it will be Fendi junior but Fendi hope that it will be aishah junior. Haha...Well, cant wait to know if its a boy or a girl for Wati. I'm actually happy to see people pregnant. My boss is 5 months pregnant and I was so happy for her. I used to hate kids a lot. I felt that they are nuisance and all they know is to cry and throw tantrums. But things have changed. Now I love kids, the not irritating ones of course. Just like my nieces. But i cant imagine me being pregnant. My colleagues too have been telling me that they cant imagine me being pregnant. They said I am too young and I dun know, they just cant imagine. Well, we'll just wait and see..

I think I better stop here. My entry is getting long. Oh yeah, I miss my friends. I haven't met Farah and Ita in weeks. Guys if you are reading, pick a date and time, preferably when Fendi is working lah okay. -ShahFendi-

Sunday, April 16, 2006,12:49 PM

Hello, its been so long since i blogged. I can see that the tag boards are flooding.
My life has changed since 01st April 2006. I finally wed the love of my life for 9 years, Mr Mohamed Effendi anak Mat Noor Rock. Haha !!!

To think of it, the preparations done for just the 2 days were torturous. But luckily, my closest buddies, Fawcett, Ita and my cousin, Wiyah helped me get thru this torturous time. They really helped me a great deal. Put on the curtains, flowers, loan me flowers buy me decorative stuffs, LULUR kan aku !!! and the ONE who always reminding me to SMILE !!! SMILE Shah, SMILE !and that is Ita, my buddy since we were in Sec 1. Thank you girl, I couldn't have done it alone.

And the one who sponsors me flowers, lilies, they are so beautiful, sponsor my spa, wear for me the henna (I made her angry coz i did my laundry after wearing the henna and it turned out to be in black patches, SORRY NOI !) iron for me my bedspread, put on my bedspread, my bridesmaid, one who lends her listening ears to me when I had doubts in getting married is none other than my cousin, Wiyah. Thank you so much. I will never forget it, and when its ur turn i hope to do the same and I am really looking forward to your big day wif Izam.

And of course, not forgetting, Fawcett !!! This girl, she sew my backdrop curtains, Its really pretty ! And those people who are getting married and need a simple backdrop, I can loan it to you. She is also the "un-official" videographer of ours, in fact, she did so many things which I cant exactly remembered.

These girls spent sleepless nights at my house trying to do me right. Girls, from the bottom of my heart, Thank you. I really thank you and hope things will remain this way forever.


My Honeymoon trip to Melbourne 05/04/06~11/04/06

Our first trip together alone, just the two of us. Melbourne is very nice....really. A cosmopolitan city but life is relaxed there. Actually we felt like not going home coz we really like it there. And with the cold weather there, it is so ideal for honeymooners. Well, i'm rather lazy to describe the itinerary of my trip. I suggest you guys look up in my photoalbum.


Dinner at Sakura 12/04/06

Due to their hardwork and effort, I treat my pals at Sakura Far East. Among those who attended were Arfah, Chin, Wiyah, Ita, Farah, Me and Husband. After eating we chill out at Starbucks Wheelock Place and talk rubbish, haha..I really enjoy the outing coz we were talking nonsense for most of the time. Farah, remember Japanese porn ? Haik, Haik ! Hahahahaha !!!!!


Dinner at Simpang Bedok 15/04/06

Razi cant make it the other time during Sakura Far East so the four of us, Razi, Farah, me and hubby went to Simpang Bedok to eat seafood. Watched video of the wedding, Razi's version and then sped off to Bedok, After eating we chilled out at Labrador Park and then send my husband off to work.

Oh yeah, my wedding album is ready. Anyone who wants to take a peep, let me know. My studio photos will only be ready in June. Will keep you guys updated alright.


Tuesday, April 04, 2006,1:26 PM

Assalammualaikum wr. wb. Alhamdulillah syukur kita kepada Yg Maha Esa atas perlindungannya dan juga syukur kerna Walimatul Urus Effendi & Aishah telah bejalan dgn lancar. (hehe step ustazah pulak aku... ngaji pon tak pass lagi)

so wat's up ppl? aku pon dah lama tak blog. so kali nie nak tulis la pasal walimatul urus kengkawan aku yg terdekat nie... dorang rajin nak melayan aku... (ke sebalik nya eh? hehe) prep work tu lama dah start, tapi aku citer only the prep since last Tuesday je la ek..

Tue, 28 Mar 06: I took off day today to see my new flat (hehe kena halau kampong ah) Went to shah's place after that about 6pm to pass her curtains utk blakang tabir katil (aku jahit tau!! lawa seh! hehe) then hang it up as well but leave the decorating to Juwita and shah and fendi.

Wed, 29 Mar 06: Aku gi umah Shah straight after work. Helped her with the barang2 hantaran decor.. actually didnt do much hehe.. sajer jer dtg menyibuk...

Thu, 30 Mar 06: After work aku balik jap amik camera pas tu gi umah shah lagik... hari nie Inai day.. Ita ngan noi (Shah's cousin) tukang taruk inai, aku tukang petik gambar... abis berinai kul 2 pagi, nak balik malas pulak... so kita tido kat sana... kul 5.30 pagi aku ngan ita balik .. kerja beb...!!

Fri, 31 Mar 06: Aku balik kerja lambat ari nie.. maklomlah kena halau dari ofis lak.. hehe ari nie aishah kena sental pulak... hilangkan daki2 kat badan hehehe... just kidding, its just lulur session. Tukang sental Ita, aku pulak kena straight kan rambut, konon kalau lawa nak vogue sikit la on saturday tapi muka kelakar seh... so tak dpt lah korang tgk muka aku ngan rambut straight eh hehe... hari nie pon tak balik umah... aku Ita ngan sempoi burn midnight oil... berbual-bual sampai pagi... maklomlah pompuan.... agak2 kul 6.30, kita balik....

Sat, 1 Apr 06: Shah & Pen big day.... Dah balik pagi tu, aku tido jap. Bangun kul 10pagi, tolong mak aku rebus tepong gomak. then dah siap aku pon siap2 and proceed to aishah's place @ 1pm. pas tu aku gi Jurong East jap beli Mini DVD-R utk video cam aku.. hehe.. Shah siap dlm kul 4 lebih. Tok Kadi sampai kul 4.50pm. Fendi and gang reach abt 5pm. Dlm pukul 5.20 gitu meka2 selamat di Ijabkabulkan... But incidents that i'll never forget : (1) "Fendi, IC!!!!" hehehe panic dibuatnya budak tu... sampai apa tau (2) Nak salam & hulur Tok Kadi Duit sampai terjatuh envelope tu.. hehehe!!!

Sun, 2 Apr 06: The second hurdle.... Majlis persandingan. Mcm mana eh nak explain... hehe.. yg aku tau aku terkejar-kejar pengantin dgn kebaya aku... jgn main main... videogirl vogue tau hehehhehe.. Rombongan Fendi sampai dlm pukul 1 lebih... pakaian songket merah... gedebak gedebuk kul 2 lebih balik umah fendi.... our boon lay guys were there.. zuriat, wan, iskandar with son & razi.. shirley ngan ismail came a while later with kak lina and lene from shah's place. sekali after a few shots and few mins of video, dua2 batt camera ngan video aku flat... so took a lift from kak lina back to shah's place to recharge while waiting for the couple to come back with their blue outfit... everything ends about 6plus... change out of my kebaya and we watched the videos i took.. raw... gonna edit it soon!! anyways, i was the last guest to leave... in fact i stayed over in sempoi's room and went home the next afternoon... fuh!.... wat a week.... ;)

Fendi & Aishah, Semoga pernikahan kalian kekal hingga ke syurga... Amin.....

Best wishes,
-Farah Farizza-

Sunday, March 19, 2006,8:03 PM

Yesterday I had our wedding photos taken at Santiago. Set off in the morning to do my make up..when I came my make up artiste was already there. I had my make up done and then wear my first wedding gown, halter top gown with full embridery. But i dun like the hairstyle. Eee..I look old and Fendi looked so young in his suit.

Then came the second wedding gown and then the evening dresses. I look so damn gorgeous (I think this is the first time I praise myself and this is rare ok coz I know I am not pretty but yesterday I was !) in my cheongsam and pink evening dress. And then my family came to do the family potrait thingy and then I did the traditional clothes. My god the traditional clothes that we borrowed from the mak andam was so oversized for me. They said they altered it but it was so damn big. BUt what can I say, orang day pinjam kan dah bagus especially when there are Fendi's aunty/cousin.

We had our lunch and then off to outdoor shooting. We told the photographer that we love greeneries and beach so at first he suggested Sentosa but me and Fendi thought it would be a bad idea coz with all the people in Sentosa furthermore school holidays there would be tonnes of people. So the photographer suggested Alexandra and Punggol. So off we went the 3 of us, me with my veil and bustier type wedding gown to Alexandra first. The place was so hilly, we went uphill, downhill, we had to run and still look pretty. And it was so damn bloody hot. But view was breathtaking.

Then we went to Punggol and the journey alone took us 30 mins. WHen we reached there all we saw was lallang. Tall yellow lalangs but it was quite a pretty sight. I'm surprised that there are alot of couples there to take pictures as well. We went to the beach took some pictures of sunset and gosh I think its gonna be nice.

Drove all the way back to Bugis Junction and then rush off to take his family potrait. Actually they were supposed to come at the same time as my family but because the dad has to work, we had to do it later. So it was rushing coz we had to change our outfit one more time.

I was by then dead tired with a lot of makeup on my face and with all my hair done. I was hungry so we ate chicken rice and called the cab home. My god it really feels uncomfortable with make up on so I really wonder for those people out there who likes to wear thick make up how do you guys survive or rather how do your skin survive and breathe? Pitiful isn't it. And my hair was a total wreck with all the hairspray and backcomb. I nearly died when i tried to comb my hair. Fendi had to hold the roots while I had to force down the com thru my hair. It was hell man.

Woah panjang entry aku today. Excited sikit ah. I am only left with one weekend before I'm married. Hopefully the cameraman that Fendi engaged on my actual day will be as professional as the photographer yesterday. Dahlah handsome, baik and humorous pulak tu. We chose a Chinese photographer for our actual day coz I'm afraid to take the normal malay photographer. Not to look down on my own race but when I see the pictures and poses CRAP ah !

To all my friends who reads our blog, dun forget to come to my wedding. If you wanna attend to my solemnization ceremony, it will start at around 5 pm. Seats are limited so better come early. And for those who are coming on Sunday, please be here around 12.30 to 2.30 pm coz I'll be around. See ya then...Dun know when else I will blog coz i'll be very busy. -ShahFendi-

Sunday, March 12, 2006,11:07 PM

Hi, have been very busy and stressed up with work and marriage preparations. So many things to be done. At times I felt like I cant take it. Sigh....Hopefully all these things will be over before I knew it. DUn know why but these days I've become so hot tempered. I frowned a lot and that is not a good thing.

WHat should I say? Looking forward for the big day ? I am not excited at all about the wedding frenzy thingy but yes I am very excited to embark on a new life. To share my life with somebody I love, somebody whom I love very deeply for 9 years. Yes ! No more having to go back to two houses for him and I can see him everyday for the rest of my life. Stress ? Stress jugak. Must cook and wash and look after his needs. But that is my duty as a wife. And also cant wait to have our little one. I want a BOY ! But he wants a GIRL ! Insyallah.... -ShahFendi-

Wednesday, March 01, 2006,7:32 PM

Hi, haven't been blogging for a very long time. Maklumlah, computer dah pindah bilik. Furthermore busy coz in the midst of preparing for my big day. Its coming real soon. Broke pun broke jugak, boring pun boring jugak. Ntah eh...how should I describe my feelings....In case I will not be blogging until the day I get married, I wish to extend my deepest heartfelt big THANK YOU to Fawcett and her mum, Thank you CIk Nah !!! , who really helped me a lot in my wedding preparations. Girl, I don't know what to do if I don't have you and also to RAZI ! who helped me a lot on logistic matters. Thank you to you both sincerely from me and Fendi. -ShahFendi-

Saturday, February 18, 2006,10:53 AM

Assalammualaikum semua!! Macam dah lama gitu aku tak blog ek. Al-maklomlah, busy cari calon suami muahahaha!! Just kidding...

Well well... tgk punyer tgk, my last update was last yr! hehe.. So while the year is still new.. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2006 folks!! Also, Selamat Hari Raya Haji hehe... and Gong Xi Fatt Choy! and of course the most impt... Selamat Tahun Baru Hijrah... so... what's new? Shah did blog abt it, yeah the main events were the trip to Benut to make their wedding cards... the project paint @ Shah's.

Recently went to JB again on the 10th of Feb, this time to my Mak Long's house to meet my Mak Su to collect the cards which are ready and oh yeah! as the title says, KONSERT ROCK REVIVAL!

11 Feb, the day i met my long lost lover haha!! MR Ahmad Azhar, atau lebih dikenali sebagai AWIE :P tu la, kan aku missed the konsert Rock Gerek, then gi KL cari kat Hard Rock pon tak jumpa, so Awie kesiankan aku, sebab tu la dia dtg Singapore lagi. Si Amy Search pon kesiankan Shah sebab Konsert dorang ari tu kensel kan hehe.. Went with Shah and Razi and also my abang, the known AWIE-Die-Hard-Fan. Sebab abg aku la aku pon suka sangat si Awie tu. Lagu semua gerek banget! Although first part hampeh! but after that songs by BPR sung by Man Toyak and Sweet Charity sung by Fuad Rahman. Then comes the group that we tot nobody wanted hehe "UNWANTED" and after their last song Penyesalan, my heart throbbed lover cum comedian came out with the evergreen rock songs from Wings!! and his new song "Tunangku di Kebas Orang" haha!! Of cos not forgetting Mr Feeee Wiiiieeettttttttt!! hehe Amy Search with his songs and one of my faves is Pawana! eh is that the title? So...... 45 bucks? WORTH EVERY CENTS!!

12 Feb, mini 'house-moving'. Hehe Shah's waiting for her new bedroom set to come, so b4 that, the transfers have to be done. Got help from Sempoi's bf's fren's father to drive his lorry. The pple that made it happened : Chin/Didi/Sham/Razi/Fendi/Shah/Sempoi/Yana/ME! Lunch for the day, mee & kway teow soup. YUM YUM!! It was a tiring day... didnt stay till late as i usually do..

Well... i guess that was all that happened since my last blog. I'm in the office now, no work to do, bored.... Oh talking abt work, we might move back to Far East Plaza maybe in Late march or April. Well that depends on how fast we can get the shop space and on how fast the renovation can be done. Korang2 yg tgh baca nie, tolonglah Do'a-Do'akan that business will pick up when we are back in Orchard. Maceh.... ;)

Okay la till next time folks! Have a good weekend!! Most probably, I'll be at home ;) Adios Amigos aku Berambos!! -FaWcEtT-

Friday, January 27, 2006,10:52 PM

Finally, Project PAinT has been launched and completed on 21/01/06 !! I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to Fendi (love ya darling) and also to the Chief Painter, Razi Maarop and Farah Fawcett. THey are the people who have put in a lot of effort in painting, moving my furniture and cleaning up my room. Thank you PALS ! Boy, it was tiring, painting and cooking, kacang Phool lagik !

Next project, waiting for my new bedroom set to arrive and to unpack all my stuffs back to the wardrobe. Cant wait for it coz my room is in total mess with boxes !

Then, its time to make my curtains and backdrop...that's another headache...haven't source for the material yet..

And then off to Mini KeLaTan to buy my 'hantaran' accessories, trays, flowers, boxes.....

There's just so many things to do....and another thing, the invitation cards are worrying me as well.

Ahhhh...don't wanna think about it too much..Actually feeling very 'sian' coz tomorrow working, monday and tuesday as well for the Chinese New YEar...Malas ah nak blog, takde mood....Ok lah for all my Chinese friends out there, GonG xI Fa cAi ! - ShahFendi-

Wednesday, January 18, 2006,8:28 PM

Yay ! Fawcett has finally done it....Folks, do take a look at our KL trip videoclip.... - ShahFendi-

Friday, January 13, 2006,8:25 PM

Last week, my closest buddy went back to Farah's kampung, something which we all look forward to. Actually the purpose of going there is to make ma wedding invitation cards, send Farah's mom to Benut and also for us to enjoy kampung life a lil bit. But it was raining all day long. We rented MPV and got Nissan Prairie...ok lah not bad very fuel efficient...can't imagine if we would have got Trajet, i think we need to go to petrol station to fill it up everytime.We didn't stop at Johor Bahru and went all the way to Pekan Nenas where I had my card done. THen off we went to Pontian to have our late lunch and early dinner and gosh it was by the sea and the sunset was so mystical. U guys should see our photos at Farah's photoalbum. It was nice....really...Then went back to Farah's Kampung, Parit Pinang in Benut, our favourite haunt....Watched the guys played neverending game of carrom, my baby won of course !. THen out for some seafood at Simpang Renggam..nice...and not forgetting the 6 burung puyuh we bought..and to my surprise we finished it all ! IT was delicious !!!

On Sunday it was raining all day long.....we were trapped in the house...not able to go anywhere because of the rain but it was still fun anyway and not forgetting sleepy !!!! We had our breakfast at our usual spot watching the rain pouring endlessly...sipping our hot tea done by Alip ! It really feels nice and laid back. Then had our lunch, and we got ready to go back coz my baby and Razi are working at night. We took the 2nd link back to s'pore and the rain was a disaster. Nasib baik lah kawan aku ni boleh tahan gak driving skills dier ni...can be trusted..Ceh, mestii kembang Cik Farah kita ni tau. Co-pilot pulak asik2 amik videocam.....

Send Fendi off to work later that night and the tank is still full..so I & Farah felt so sayang to give back with full tank so we thought of driving just anywhere so that the fuel will be half full. Drive punya drive punya drive.....fuel tu sama jugak. So picked my sis up and we all apa lagik berambu ah. Went to railway to have a bite but i think we chose the wrong place...all guys there and they were watching soccer so didn't sit long there and then we drove all the whole stretch of ECP, singing loudly in the car (lagu pulak tu best2). Reached home like 2 am....Woah, later on if I'm married, dun know if I can still be like this having so much fun. I will sure miss the fun times I had wif my friends. Farah, nanti bila aku dah kawin, bila Fendi kerja malam, kita buat cam gini lagi eh ! -ShahFendi-