Wednesday, October 11, 2006,10:54 AM
Hehe, malas nak tulis entry baru, aku update kat sini je la eh... (6 Nov 06 @ 1724)
Halo Halo Halo!! Apa kabar semua??? Dah seminggu dah entry aku yg last tu... so far, ader la jugak response. yg lom response tu, sebab tak baca blog nie haha! takper nanti biler aku free aku sms yg lain2 tu.
Yang dah confirm (InsyaAllah):1) Farah
2) Sabaria
3) Aishah (5pm onwards)
4) Fendi (5pm onwards)
5) Lene
6) Suriati
7) Ismail
8) Razi (7pm onwards)
Yang dah response tapi tak pasti:1) Fairoz
2) Juwita
Yang dah response & cant make it:1) Kak lina
2) Hazean
3) Wati
4) Zuriat
5) Azrina
k la semua!! take care and selamat berbuka nanti!!
ps: sesapa yg nanti gi solat wajib/solat terawih/solat hajat/solat sunat, tolong do'akan i sihat eh.. rasa macam lembik semacam satu badan i nie. tima kaseh!!
Wasalam - FaWcEtT -
Monday, October 02, 2006,4:12 PM
Assalammualaikum semua!! hehehe.... dah sebulan kita tak blog ek.... maklomlah... busy sakan... sebelom apa2, aku... eh salah... saya nak ucapkan selamat berpuasa utk semua, dan selamat berbuka puasa nanti hehe!!
so... dari ari tu sebenarnya nak blog, tapi asik lesu ajer.. nie pon blog sebab ader kawan tu sorang, si yayot ke yaya ke sab ke, dah tanya biler nak jalan raya.. hehe... so pikir punyer pikir... InsyaAllah boleh la...apa kata, this yr kiter buat on the 11th of nov? hari sabtu... biasalah, sesapa yg kerja stgh hari tu pon i rasa takder masalah sebab kita pon kuar tgh hari hehe... from experience, tiap kali konon nya nak kuar pagi asik terdelay jer... apa tak nya... kita kan orang melayu hehe.. ok so sesapa yg baca blog nie, tag la yer... nie list of invites yg aku nak ajak berjalan raya... yg keje shift tu, kalau u all leh make it alhamdullilah... yg tak leh make it tu jemputlah dtg ke rumah yer... khekhe
1) Farah2) Sabaria & Rizal3) Aishah & Fendi4) Hazean & Shahril5) Kak Lina & Abg Mizan (hari ini kau dtg riang... khekehe)6) Lene7) Razi8) Ismail9) Azrina10) Suriati & Izat11) Juwita & Jay12) Wati & Saiful13) Zuriat & Dek Nur14) Fairoz & Eza15) Shirley ?!?! hehe.. shirley if u reading, i kidding only :P of cos u are invited16) dan yg sewaktu dgnnyer... (yg tertinggal tu jgn marah eh... tak baik marah2 tgh puasa hehehe)rasa mcm tu jer kan...?? so yg boleh ikut tu ikutlah yer, yg baru lepas bersalin tu, kalau dah abis pantang & kalau larat boleh la join eh, hehe nanti apa2 susah pulak.. aku nie first aider expired khekhee.. so comments can be tagged or emailed to me at or
zazz02@hotmail.comok tu bab raya aku dah habaq... nie bab bulan ramadan plak... rasa mcm nak buat gathering kecik buka puasa sesama, maybe kat jrg point je la hehe.. nak gi geylang pon boleh mcm dulu2, tapi tu la, nak tau siapa nak apa.. suggestions are welcome. cadangan nya tu anytime from today till 10 days b4 raya... weekdays pon boleh.. bab nie aku tak paksa sebab ader yg nak buka ngn family, ader yg nak gi solat terawih, ader yg nak buat persiapan hari raya dan lain2. so kalau tak pon, shah, kau aku ngn pen ajer la buka kat luar one of these days. hehe. ok all... selamat menjalani ibadah puasa, dan jgn merindui aku sgt... hehehe!! Wassalam.
,12:38 PM
Assalamualaikum w.r.b. Mesti tertib, maklumlah sekarang ni bulan Ramadhan yg mulia. Its been years since i blogged coz no mood lah. I'm ok though, starting to eat but still not having huge appetite. No weight gain infact seem to be losing. 5 months pregnant and weighing only 49 kg. But alhamdulillah boleh berpuasa. Cant wait to give birth to this little one so that i can play with him. Got my house keys but I was the least interested about it. We even missed the HDB collection of keys appointment until HDB has to call me up to remind me. Pathetic kan. So many things happened. Things that broke my heart, my trust.....How I wish I had listened to my heart.....I am not regretting things in life but given a choice I would love to turn back time and think wisely.
Oh yeah, Watie has given birth to a baby girl. Me, Farah and Fendi thought of visiting her tonight. Cant wait to see and hold the baby. Wonder what's her name.
Malas nak cerita panjang berjela. Lagipun puasa, tak boleh cakap banyak, takut boleh datangkan dosa. Hehehe....