Tuesday, August 29, 2006,11:07 AM
Good morning all!! I'm back all cheerful and smily heeeeee =D Ye la apa tidak nya, ader kesayangan baru hehe.. sebelom tu, aku nak citer sikit la abt the topic on spending... Ye la sekarang kita semua dah up sikit... ader duit lebih mesti tangan gatal nak beli barang baru.. dah lah baru, 'branded' lak tu.. takmo kalah.. kekadang aku tgk org shopping, aku yg seram... walaupon duit dorang, rasa mcm duit aku plak yg dorang pakai. to me its all abt knowing the difference between needs and wants. ye la aku ni keje, kais pagi makan pagi.. tak la miskin, mewah pon tak, tapi aku tak complain ah, alhamdullilah cukup makan.. (tapi kekdg pon bak kata sudin.. "sesak daaa")..sebab tu maybe i'm not the person who likes to shop.. tapi kan kekadang aku terpikir gak, i dun like to spend becos i dun have the money or i dun like to waste or is it just me being 'cheapskate'. hehe tak sedap betul dgr tu word. watever it is yg aku tau, selalu nya bila aku teringin nak beli barang, hati kecilku berbisik (cheh wah), 'eh takmo beli lah, sayang seh duit' haizzzz dunia dunia... kalau aku beli barang pon, benda2 yg murah... aku tak segan pakai brg2 palsu hehe.. bukannya orang nak telek kan jam apa aku pakai, jeans apa aku pakai... asalkan aku pakai... jgn tak pakai, tu dah lain citer. haha k dah melalut lak... so let me introduce to you, Cintaku yg terbaru.... Mr Sony Ericsson w810i. *applause applause*

amacam hensem tak? hehe actually kan, aku tukar hp pon sebab dapat voucher $100 from starhub. tu pon aku rasa sayang nak beli hp mahal.ingat beli yg murah je. tapi atas nasihat abang aku yg tercinta, aku beli hp nie... sebab dia kata i'm gonna be stuck with it for 2 yrs at least. pikir2 betul jugak ek.. aku pon tak pernah ader hp canggih. geram jugak tgk org2 skrg hp canggih2. itu pon aku tak puas, aku gi redeem another $50 voucher using my starhub points hehe and courtesy of my cousin Dianna, dia pon redeem kan another $50 voucher from her points.. Maceh eh Dian!! oklah all.. i've got to be back to work!! take care and have a nice day!! -FaWcEtT-
Friday, August 18, 2006,10:39 AM
Hello semua... ni kali aku blog nak lepaskan geram je... hehe... ader ke patut dorang campak online photoalbum aku kat attic!? isk isk isk tak patut....... dulu masa nak suruh aku register bukan manis lagi madahnya... unlimited photo space la, free for life la, itu la ini la... abih tu sekarang suruh aku bayar pulak... ah podaaaaaaaaaah! reason being, i didnt purchase or order any prints for the past year... macam mana nak order kalau korang tu tak hantar delivery kat singapore nie... wah wah mentang mentang singapore kecik... eehhhh kecik kecik cili padi tau...! pas tu, aku email kat korang tak nak jawab pulak... pas tu senang2 lambung album aku kat attic and kalau nak retrieve back bayar 99 bucks... aaaah sudahla... baik aku belanja kawan aku makan lagi baik!... ah nie blogspot nie pon tak lama lagi kena bayar kot? hehehe...
anyway... maybe its time for me to print out my photos hehe... ye la sejak first photo session aku with the digicam, tak ter print2 aku... takper la.. tunggu aku pindah rumah, baru ader tempat nak simpan gambar2 tu semua... now to be safe, i bettter save it in a disc..
ok lah better be back to work... aku sorang lagi kat ofis nie ari... boss aku outstation... best tu best la boss takder hehe... tapi kesunyian seh... perut pon berkeroncong je... haha food supplier takder... hehe si farah ni nak makan preeee je!
k la nak blog pasal these past few days pon takder apa sgt yg berlaku... cuma smlm gi visit pakcik aku kat hospital... kesian dia kena gout lagik... ok la Pa'eh, farah doakan Pa'eh cepat sembuh k. Take care!! ok all... have a good day and a good weekend ahead... adios amigos! aku berambos....
Wasalam..... -FaWcEtT-
Friday, August 11, 2006,10:41 AM
hey alll!! hehe... here i am @ Pandan Crescent while waiting for my car (well, my dad's) get all new again. Yeah i'm at the Toyota Service Centre now. Half hour has gone since they brought in my car. probably its another hour wait. Thank goodness they are so kind to provide 02 sets of free internet surfing, and i dun even have to fight for it.. yeah most of them are uncles n pakciks and no one is on the other terminal.So unlikely here in Singapore to see a free internet terminal with no one using. Oh well...so i had a half day off today... yeah morning off... got to head down to office at 1pm later...... mmmmm... now my head suddenly get jam, not knowing wat else to blog... well ok then, i guess i just have to keep my dad company... till later all!!.........
ok b4 i go, would just like to thank me girl frens for a very great night that day... great fun and i'm so touched to know that pertalian persahabatan kita tetap seakrab dulu walaupon masing2 sibuk dgn hal sendiri. hope to do it again sometimes... anyway just to announce that Suriati has given birth to a baby boy in June :) Congrats Ati!! Wasalam. -FaWcEtT-
Friday, August 04, 2006,2:48 PM
Hiya All!! i'm at work now... kind of nothing to do... ader tu ader la tapi not THAT important.. lagipon boss not in town hehehe.. ok this will just be a short entry.
Well i suddenly tot of barbequed chicken wings... nope not the one where we can buy @ East Coast Lagoon or whereever, but the one yg kita panggang sendiri.. so pikir punyer pikir mcm dah lama tak pegi east coast park picnic cum barbeque.. so amacam geng? any takers??? Tag me ur opinions! -FaWcEtT-
Thursday, August 03, 2006,12:47 PM
Terasa amat rindu kepada kawan-kawan ku semua. I really miss our friends. Kak Lina, Marlina (Lene, dimana kau menghilang sekarang), Mail (I miss your merepek jokes). These are the people who never fail to amuse you with their antiques. Haha, merepek seh bila berbual. What a pity now, I am not really feeling well. I am not really mobile now and so to go out is quite a problem for me. Maybe one day, after my appetite has recovered, all of us shall go out to eat okay. Lets pig out !
Si Farah ni, tulis begitu buat aku sedih aje. Dah lah memang emotional sekarang ni. Remember Farah, kau dah janji Ita kan to go for check up, so make sure you go okay. Pasal kuih Hong Kong Goreng tu, take your time lah. Tak lah sampai mengidam teruk.
Aku pun tak tau, boleh makan ke tidak. Every day the question of what to eat puts me into a dilemma. Food that I thought I can eat sometimes turn out my tummy cannot accept it. Morning sickness is really terrible. But i have to be patient, for the baby's sake. U very naughty baby, u make mummy vomit everyday, and u make me pass out in the bus last week, u make mummy have no appetite and weigh only 49kg, u make mummy eat McDonald's everyday but I still love you though sometimes i really feel like giving up. Thank you to my husband who has been putting up with my crap all this while. Thank you sayang for being patient with me, putting up with my cranky behaviour. Dun worry it will only last for 9 months.
To my mother, who has been taking care of me very well, thank you to you too, Mak. For washing my clothes, cleaning my room, buying and cooking for me things that I want.
To my friend Ita and Farah who has been kind enough to visit me and keep me company, thank you. Lain kali buat lagi okay. But u guys have to put up with my vomitting and complains okay and also keep the air clean.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006,11:48 PM
Assalammualaikum semuaaaa........ hehe yea i'm back i'm back... utk sesiapa yg rindukan aku tu, sorilah la eh buat korang sedih rindukan aku hehe... bukan apa, malas je nak blog... ish ish si farah ni malas je keje dia... bukan la malas tapi otak buntu... asal nak blog ajer otak jam, asal nak blog je jam... anyway banyak aku nak citerkan kat korang semua... but just dunno where to start..
well maybe for a start, just wanna say that i miss a good fren so much.. yes while looking thru her photo album, i realise dia pon ader blogsite daaa.. so kak lina, bila u nak date me out makan ice-cream?? i pegang tau janji u hehe.. teringat kisah masa time skolah dulu.. kak lina never fails to cheer me up with her jokes, her weirdo-ness, her advice. seriously, i really miss talking to u.. apa kabar u la agaknyer eh.. hopefully she still using the same hp number, n maybe its late for her to reply my sms...anyways while reading her blog, terasa insaf sekejap... lama-kelamaan mcm tiba2 aku terpikir abt my life so far... wat have i achieved in life... wat can i be proud of, wat am i ashamed of and when i did my calculations... aku rasa i didnt achieve much... i really dunno how to put it in words here... nak talk to somone abt it pon aku rasa i'm not up for it.. of cos not everything went wrong.. my family is alright, and especially with the new car, we've been spending more time out as one family... frens aku rasa makin bertambah although masing2 busy, we stil do hang out once in a while... relationship, well let's not even go there haha... but career... yes i'm really happy working in this travel agency, good boss, lots of flexibilty, lots of travel chances, lots of things & experience to learn from but somehow financially i'm still unstable... i know life is all about choices and sacrifice.. if i choose to stay, i have to sacrifice my earning power... but if i choose to get another job, maybe i'll have to sacrifice the working environment... so WAT DO I DO PPLE?? tu la dulu time skola, degil, tak sabar nak keje, hah padan ngan muka aku... rasain lu farah! but i guess nie semua satu dugaan dari Allah.. manusia mmg tak akan pernah puas dgn apa yg dia ader... so i guess i should be grateful that i do have a job at least... and that at least i can feed myself. Syukur Alhamdullilah...there's a lot more out there who earns less yet have more commitments...i guess other than tat, my life is alright... and if only my health gets better...i really dunno wats happening to me... nak complain pon tak guna.. all my frens that knows my condition advised me to go for a checkup, tapi aku degil.. aku tak pegi... bukan apa, i'm just afraid of hearing wat i dun want to hear. of cos its better to know than to suffer silently, but then... well i'll make sure i'll go for the check-up one fine day.hmmm the entry might be toolong if i talk about some other stuffs.. so i guess i'll just have to share it out later.. Shah, one fine day i'll make the hong kong goreng for u k. do eat well and take good care of urself. aku nie takder experience pregnancy so i dunno wat u are feeling rite now, tapi kalau boleh time rasa nak marah tu istighfar la byk2 eh hehe... shall come to ur house one of these days.. to kak lina, nanti kita jumpa k... rindu ah hehe... ok to the rest, stay cheerful always!! adios amigos! Wasalam.... -FaWcEtT-