Monday, June 12, 2006,4:41 PM
First, list down 20 friends names and asnwer the following questions abt them. here goes....
1) Aishah
2) Fendi
3) Arfah
4) Chin
5) Juwita
6) Jay
7) Lene
8) Sabaria
9) Lina
10) Sufian
11) Vincent
12) Lionel
13) Mariam
14) Abang
15) Apis
16) Dianna
17) Azrina
18) Shamri
19) Razi
20) Alip
How did you meet 14? [Abang]At the hospital by fate. Never regretted meeting him hehe... best bro eva!
What would you do if you never met 1? [aishah]if i never met aishah, wat can i do, cos i would not have known how great a fren she can be ;)
What would you do if 20 and 9 dated? [Alip, Lina]muahahhaa... it can never happen... BIG generation gap!! hehe Alip's my ygr cousin la dei!
Did you ever liked 19? [Razi]yeah, a great lepak fren....
Would 6 and 17 make a good couple? [Jay, Azrina]hmmm... both staying quite near... hehehe but i guess Jay found the greatest love of his life already...
Describe 3 [Arfah]SEMPOI!!!! hehee... great lepak buddy, great gossip monger, great holiday kaki... Lives in the world of her own, but i think i'm starting to know bits n pieces of her world.
Do you think 8 is attractive [Sabaria]oh yes she definitely is... just prepare lots and lots of TISU!! ehehe...
Tell me something about 7 [Lene]Anything goes.... Happy go lucky... Loves Green tea... Loves shopping.. Loves hanging out with me hehehhe....
Do you know any of 12's family [Lionel]
hehe... yeah, met his 3 daughters, met his wife... Great Boss!
hat's 8 favourite? [Sabaria]
Tissue? hehe.... i know she likes a lot of things, but her favourite? hmm maybe planning for the wedding!! at least for now that's her fave pastime... right sab?
What would you do if 11 confesses that he/she likes you? [Vincent]Hehe... already did years ago... but naaah its difficult, btw he's already married now... ;)
What language does 15 speak? [Apis]
Duh! English/Malay/Bits of Mandarin/Rubbish sometimes...
Who is 9 going out with? [Lina]
woooo... i would love to know myself.... ;)
How old is 16 now? [Dianna]3 yrs my senior ;)
When was the last time you talked to 13? [Mariam]Saturday On phone.
Who's 2 favourite band/ singer? [Fendi]x-japan? hehehe... hmmm fave not too sure... i was supposed to know ay? since he's my karaoke buddy... but maybe exists/spoon/slam?? hehe.. ok ok i'll take note the next round ;)
Would you date 4? [Chin]Can i Poi?? hehehe... Buti'll make sure i've got a strong mind or i'll end up IMH. hehehe
Would you date 7? [Lene]
If i'm white maybe? hehehe
Is 15 single? [Apis]Hahaha!! dun think so... but he's saying he is... oh well....
What's 10's last name? [Sufian]Abdul Wahab hehe...
Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 11? [Vincent]
told u, its difficult...
What school does 3 goes to ? [Arfah]School in singapore... hehe which eh? oh i know!! RULANG?!
Where does 6 live? [Jay]Taman Jurong block ### level 7
What's your favourite thing about 5? [Juwita]Her food!! Her Lulur session!! Her home!! and her presence...
Whats the 3 things you dislike about 18? [Shamri]Oh gosh... His frequent disappearance... Tat's all i can think of..other than that, he's ok ;)
To those who feel like it, please do this... its fun!! -FaWcEtT-