Sunday, April 16, 2006,12:49 PM
Hello, its been so long since i blogged. I can see that the tag boards are flooding.
My life has changed since 01st April 2006. I finally wed the love of my life for 9 years, Mr Mohamed Effendi anak Mat Noor Rock. Haha !!!

To think of it, the preparations done for just the 2 days were torturous. But luckily, my closest buddies, Fawcett, Ita and my cousin, Wiyah helped me get thru this torturous time. They really helped me a great deal. Put on the curtains, flowers, loan me flowers buy me decorative stuffs, LULUR kan aku !!! and the ONE who always reminding me to SMILE !!! SMILE Shah, SMILE !and that is Ita, my buddy since we were in Sec 1. Thank you girl, I couldn't have done it alone.
And the one who sponsors me flowers, lilies, they are so beautiful, sponsor my spa, wear for me the henna (I made her angry coz i did my laundry after wearing the henna and it turned out to be in black patches, SORRY NOI !) iron for me my bedspread, put on my bedspread, my bridesmaid, one who lends her listening ears to me when I had doubts in getting married is none other than my cousin, Wiyah. Thank you so much. I will never forget it, and when its ur turn i hope to do the same and I am really looking forward to your big day wif Izam.
And of course, not forgetting, Fawcett !!! This girl, she sew my backdrop curtains, Its really pretty ! And those people who are getting married and need a simple backdrop, I can loan it to you. She is also the "un-official" videographer of ours, in fact, she did so many things which I cant exactly remembered.
These girls spent sleepless nights at my house trying to do me right. Girls, from the bottom of my heart, Thank you. I really thank you and hope things will remain this way forever.

My Honeymoon trip to Melbourne 05/04/06~11/04/06
Our first trip together alone, just the two of us. Melbourne is very nice....really. A cosmopolitan city but life is relaxed there. Actually we felt like not going home coz we really like it there. And with the cold weather there, it is so ideal for honeymooners. Well, i'm rather lazy to describe the itinerary of my trip. I suggest you guys look up in my photoalbum.

Dinner at Sakura 12/04/06
Due to their hardwork and effort, I treat my pals at Sakura Far East. Among those who attended were Arfah, Chin, Wiyah, Ita, Farah, Me and Husband. After eating we chill out at Starbucks Wheelock Place and talk rubbish, haha..I really enjoy the outing coz we were talking nonsense for most of the time. Farah, remember Japanese porn ? Haik, Haik ! Hahahahaha !!!!!

Dinner at Simpang Bedok 15/04/06
Razi cant make it the other time during Sakura Far East so the four of us, Razi, Farah, me and hubby went to Simpang Bedok to eat seafood. Watched video of the wedding, Razi's version and then sped off to Bedok, After eating we chilled out at Labrador Park and then send my husband off to work.
Oh yeah, my wedding album is ready. Anyone who wants to take a peep, let me know. My studio photos will only be ready in June. Will keep you guys updated alright.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006,1:26 PM
Assalammualaikum wr. wb. Alhamdulillah syukur kita kepada Yg Maha Esa atas perlindungannya dan juga syukur kerna Walimatul Urus Effendi & Aishah telah bejalan dgn lancar. (hehe step ustazah pulak aku... ngaji pon tak pass lagi)so wat's up ppl? aku pon dah lama tak blog. so kali nie nak tulis la pasal walimatul urus kengkawan aku yg terdekat nie... dorang rajin nak melayan aku... (ke sebalik nya eh? hehe) prep work tu lama dah start, tapi aku citer only the prep since last Tuesday je la ek..Tue, 28 Mar 06: I took off day today to see my new flat (hehe kena halau kampong ah) Went to shah's place after that about 6pm to pass her curtains utk blakang tabir katil (aku jahit tau!! lawa seh! hehe) then hang it up as well but leave the decorating to Juwita and shah and fendi.Wed, 29 Mar 06: Aku gi umah Shah straight after work. Helped her with the barang2 hantaran decor.. actually didnt do much hehe.. sajer jer dtg menyibuk...
Thu, 30 Mar 06: After work aku balik jap amik camera pas tu gi umah shah lagik... hari nie Inai day.. Ita ngan noi (Shah's cousin) tukang taruk inai, aku tukang petik gambar... abis berinai kul 2 pagi, nak balik malas pulak... so kita tido kat sana... kul 5.30 pagi aku ngan ita balik .. kerja beb...!!Fri, 31 Mar 06: Aku balik kerja lambat ari nie.. maklomlah kena halau dari ofis lak.. hehe ari nie aishah kena sental pulak... hilangkan daki2 kat badan hehehe... just kidding, its just lulur session. Tukang sental Ita, aku pulak kena straight kan rambut, konon kalau lawa nak vogue sikit la on saturday tapi muka kelakar seh... so tak dpt lah korang tgk muka aku ngan rambut straight eh hehe... hari nie pon tak balik umah... aku Ita ngan sempoi burn midnight oil... berbual-bual sampai pagi... maklomlah pompuan.... agak2 kul 6.30, kita balik....
Sat, 1 Apr 06: Shah & Pen big day.... Dah balik pagi tu, aku tido jap. Bangun kul 10pagi, tolong mak aku rebus tepong gomak. then dah siap aku pon siap2 and proceed to aishah's place @ 1pm. pas tu aku gi Jurong East jap beli Mini DVD-R utk video cam aku.. hehe.. Shah siap dlm kul 4 lebih. Tok Kadi sampai kul 4.50pm. Fendi and gang reach abt 5pm. Dlm pukul 5.20 gitu meka2 selamat di Ijabkabulkan... But incidents that i'll never forget : (1) "Fendi, IC!!!!" hehehe panic dibuatnya budak tu... sampai apa tau (2) Nak salam & hulur Tok Kadi Duit sampai terjatuh envelope tu.. hehehe!!!Sun, 2 Apr 06: The second hurdle.... Majlis persandingan. Mcm mana eh nak explain... hehe.. yg aku tau aku terkejar-kejar pengantin dgn kebaya aku... jgn main main... videogirl vogue tau hehehhehe.. Rombongan Fendi sampai dlm pukul 1 lebih... pakaian songket merah... gedebak gedebuk kul 2 lebih balik umah fendi.... our boon lay guys were there.. zuriat, wan, iskandar with son & razi.. shirley ngan ismail came a while later with kak lina and lene from shah's place. sekali after a few shots and few mins of video, dua2 batt camera ngan video aku flat... so took a lift from kak lina back to shah's place to recharge while waiting for the couple to come back with their blue outfit... everything ends about 6plus... change out of my kebaya and we watched the videos i took.. raw... gonna edit it soon!! anyways, i was the last guest to leave... in fact i stayed over in sempoi's room and went home the next afternoon... fuh!.... wat a week.... ;)Fendi & Aishah, Semoga pernikahan kalian kekal hingga ke syurga... Amin.....Best wishes,-Farah Farizza-