Sunday, March 19, 2006,8:03 PM

Yesterday I had our wedding photos taken at Santiago. Set off in the morning to do my make up..when I came my make up artiste was already there. I had my make up done and then wear my first wedding gown, halter top gown with full embridery. But i dun like the hairstyle. Eee..I look old and Fendi looked so young in his suit.
Then came the second wedding gown and then the evening dresses. I look so damn gorgeous (I think this is the first time I praise myself and this is rare ok coz I know I am not pretty but yesterday I was !) in my cheongsam and pink evening dress. And then my family came to do the family potrait thingy and then I did the traditional clothes. My god the traditional clothes that we borrowed from the mak andam was so oversized for me. They said they altered it but it was so damn big. BUt what can I say, orang day pinjam kan dah bagus especially when there are Fendi's aunty/cousin.We had our lunch and then off to outdoor shooting. We told the photographer that we love greeneries and beach so at first he suggested Sentosa but me and Fendi thought it would be a bad idea coz with all the people in Sentosa furthermore school holidays there would be tonnes of people. So the photographer suggested Alexandra and Punggol. So off we went the 3 of us, me with my veil and bustier type wedding gown to Alexandra first. The place was so hilly, we went uphill, downhill, we had to run and still look pretty. And it was so damn bloody hot. But view was breathtaking.
Then we went to Punggol and the journey alone took us 30 mins. WHen we reached there all we saw was lallang. Tall yellow lalangs but it was quite a pretty sight. I'm surprised that there are alot of couples there to take pictures as well. We went to the beach took some pictures of sunset and gosh I think its gonna be nice. Drove all the way back to Bugis Junction and then rush off to take his family potrait. Actually they were supposed to come at the same time as my family but because the dad has to work, we had to do it later. So it was rushing coz we had to change our outfit one more time.
was by then dead tired with a lot of makeup on my face and with all my hair done. I was hungry so we ate chicken rice and called the cab home. My god it really feels uncomfortable with make up on so I really wonder for those people out there who likes to wear thick make up how do you guys survive or rather how do your skin survive and breathe? Pitiful isn't it. And my hair was a total wreck with all the hairspray and backcomb. I nearly died when i tried to comb my hair. Fendi had to hold the roots while I had to force down the com thru my hair. It was hell man.Woah panjang entry aku today. Excited sikit ah. I am only left with one weekend before I'm married. Hopefully the cameraman that Fendi engaged on my actual day will be as professional as the photographer yesterday. Dahlah handsome, baik and humorous pulak tu. We chose a Chinese photographer for our actual day coz I'm afraid to take the normal malay photographer. Not to look down on my own race but when I see the pictures and poses CRAP ah !
To all my friends who reads our blog, dun forget to come to my wedding. If you wanna attend to my solemnization ceremony, it will start at around 5 pm. Seats are limited so better come early. And for those who are coming on Sunday, please be here around 12.30 to 2.30 pm coz I'll be around. See ya then...Dun know when else I will blog coz i'll be very busy. -ShahFendi-
Sunday, March 12, 2006,11:07 PM
Hi, have been very busy and stressed up with work and marriage preparations. So many things to be done. At times I felt like I cant take it. Sigh....Hopefully all these things will be over before I knew it. DUn know why but these days I've become so hot tempered. I frowned a lot and that is not a good thing.
WHat should I say? Looking forward for the big day ? I am not excited at all about the wedding frenzy thingy but yes I am very excited to embark on a new life. To share my life with somebody I love, somebody whom I love very deeply for 9 years. Yes ! No more having to go back to two houses for him and I can see him everyday for the rest of my life. Stress ? Stress jugak. Must cook and wash and look after his needs. But that is my duty as a wife. And also cant wait to have our little one. I want a BOY ! But he wants a GIRL ! Insyallah.... -ShahFendi-
Wednesday, March 01, 2006,7:32 PM
Hi, haven't been blogging for a very long time. Maklumlah, computer dah pindah bilik. Furthermore busy coz in the midst of preparing for my big day. Its coming real soon. Broke pun broke jugak, boring pun boring jugak. Ntah should I describe my feelings....In case I will not be blogging until the day I get married, I wish to extend my deepest heartfelt big THANK YOU to Fawcett and her mum, Thank you CIk Nah !!! , who really helped me a lot in my wedding preparations. Girl, I don't know what to do if I don't have you and also to RAZI ! who helped me a lot on logistic matters. Thank you to you both sincerely from me and Fendi. -ShahFendi-