Monday, October 31, 2005,6:25 PM
Hi there, to whoever reading this humble blog of ours. Haven't been blogging for quite sometime, its not that i'm busy but just cannot be bothered. Though the big day,
Hari Raya is coming I dun feel it. Maybe the mood is just not there. Been to geylang twice or rather thrice. Nothing much just heaps and heaps of pple there. I really hate it to be there. But i have to coz i had to get something. This year my baju raya not much. Just 2 pcs. Very plain. I saw other baju raya, they are so shining with beads, sequins or even shining lace. I so regret making plain ones. This years gonna be black and this year gonna be the last year I will spend my aidilfitri as a single, independant lady. Next year, if god willing I'll be spending it with my husband. I dun know how its gonna be. And I dun want to think about it.
I've been in deep thoughts lately. Thinking...thinking..and thinking...and I still don't know what to do. I have been thinking about this for quite a long time....Should I or should I not sacrifice for the happiness of my loved one.....I know no one will know what I am thinking about coz i have never really reveal it to anybody except for one soul in this world, but let this be my secret, between me and him. Some things are better left unsaid. If you are reading this, do think about it, what I have proposed to you. I do not want you to be living in regret all your life.
Ramadhan is coming to an end....and I'm feeling sad....Sad coz I do not know if I can meet the next
Ramadhan. Insyallah, kalau diizinkan tuhan, kalau panjang umur, bertemu lagi kita
Ramadhan tahun hadapan.
Akhir sekali, ingin sekali mengucapkan to whoever who's reading our blog
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Maaf Zahir dan Batin. ~ShahFendi~
Tuesday, October 11, 2005,8:57 PM
I am still felling shitty, dun know why. I just felt like burying my head into my pillow and shout and cry. Sad or depressed over what oso i dun know. Maybe I feel lonely. At this time, I need someone to be beside me. Sigh...No mood to write. - ShahFendi-
Monday, October 10, 2005,9:45 PM
Help ! I do not know why I felt like shit now. Bad stomach cramp, back pain makes it all worse. I dun know why I always feel like crying. Maybe I feel lonely. My sweetheart on the afternoon shift this week so we'll not be meeting from mon to fri. That sucks ! Never been seperated this long before except when I'm travelling. Since now is fasting month I cant meet him for lunch.
Mmmhhmm...maybe i'll just update what i've been doing for the past weeks...Nothing much..Met my make up artist..see what bridal clothes he has. And wow he really has nice bridal clothes. Oh yeah remember me & Fawcett and some others were supposed to go for Search concert but apa seh, cancel last minute.
Baru nak feeling rockers. Pasal concert ni lah kiter cancel holiday plans kiter.
But at last we finally made it to Harris for one night stay. My baby and I really want to spend time together. We did nothing much. It was supposed to be a relaxing trip. Arrived early but cannot check in yet coz the rooms are not ready so hang around at the pizzeria, ate their
original Italian thin crust pizza, slept the whole afternoon, at night went for massge at Marina Spa then went for our sumptous dinner. We had crab, hotplate beancurd, beef, just the usuals. Went back and slept like a log. Fawcett dropped by to settle some hotel stuffs and we went to Mega Mall to just walk around. This time we took ferryback to Singapore by Batam Centre. I think I will never go back byBatam Centre anymore. Its so crowded and the stupid ferry took more than an hour to reach Singapore. We ate at
Es teller for bakso, and then
KFC..and then
A & W for rootbeer float and waffles. Such a glutton kan these 3 fellas. Hahaha...
Fasting starts last Wed so after that not much activities except for breaking fast with your loved ones. 1st-3rd day I break fast with my family members. Sat went over to my future in laws place to break fast. Hey u know what Izal finally got his
Toyota WISH so the whole of my fiance's family sent me home on Sat. Then yesterday we went to my future grand ma in law (doesn't sound quite right yea) at Pasir Ris to break fast with them. My future dad in law drove and when were were on our back to Jurong,
we were lost!!!!!DUn know how we landed in
Kaki Bukit,
Defu, Ang Mo Kio, Seranggoon, BKE, KJE...Haha..Kelakar seh..Teringat time I, Fawcett and Fendi tersesat kat Bedok for about 1 hour eh. Then sesat lagik nak pegi east coast park, sampai ke geylang pusing 2 rounds, sampai masuk lorong nampak minah Cina tengah tunggu customer. Gross seh! Haha But nice experience !!!
I think i'm feeling like this coz I didn't get to spend enuf time with my baby. We've been spending time with our family members more than just the 2 of us. And this Sat, we will be spending time with our friends coz we will be going Geylang. Just a routine thingy that we do every year. Sun, maybe dine out to celebrate my future f.i.l. birthday. Dun know eh see how lah. Maybe i'm feeling quite down now so no mood for anything. Here are some pix taken during my Batam trip....-ShahFendi-