Sunday, September 25, 2005,12:53 AM
While my baby working afternoon shift this week, I've been staying at home and watching VCDs at home wif my sis. There's this one movie I watched and it really left a deep impression on me.
The movie called Sepet..not sure if many has saw this but I came to know it only lately and i really think it is a good movie. It is a "modern" malay movie. U can hear curse & swear in the movies and to me it only depicts one thing, Malays are so backwards. I really respect the director & producer of that movie Sepet, Yasmin Ahmad. Our filming industry can do so much better movies and it really beats all the stereotypes movies by Yusoff Haslam. I mean in all his movies, all u always see is famous stars (some can barely act but becoz got face everything goes), love story, love songs amongst all the other things that u'll see in his movies. If u were to see sepet, u will ponder, such a simple plot/storyline but it is so heart wrenching. No wonder this movie received nominations for some of the International Film Festival. Though not winning, I guess getting nominated is enough for you to show your credibility. Another movie I watched was Ampunkan Dosaku. My god, this one also so heart wrenching. Cried when watching this movie. This one is good. I will continue to support our Malay film industry but i guess you can leave me out for those stereotype movies, u know what i mean. The above are purely my personal comments and with no intention of backlashing persons who favours the stereotype movies (Afraid that Fawcett might be angry with me) I dun deny that I also watched all these stereotype movies but hhmm...u know what i mean....- ShahFendi-
Saturday, September 24, 2005,11:50 PM
Dah lamer tak update blog. Maklumlah busy. So many things happened. I went for fitting for my bridal gowns...the Amazing Challenge...rebonding...On the 12/09/05, I went for my bridal gown fitting at Santiago. Oh my god, I was so demoralised when i tried the gowns all. Most of the gowns I cannot fit...cannot zip fully, all halfway..apa ke tidak all were tailored to model size. So when knowing that kira pacifiy lah sikit. Imagine if that were for normal average size & I cant fit how sad will I be.Basically I've chosen everything, 2 wedding gowns and 3 evening dresses. I have yet to confirm the last outfit though. I have also fixed my photo taking date but I forgot that I cannot make it on that day coz its my co. dinner & dance. How stupid now I have to rescheduled it to another date.
On 16/09/05, my co had our long awaited, The Amazing Challenge. This one is ala The Amazing Race lah but this one no need take place and bus. It was a very enjoyable and successful event. Well, as one of the comittee members I am really proud of this event. There were 6 groups with 6 people in a group, people from various department all taking part. Imagine all the big bosses, my vice president, dressed in shorts & t-shirts go running around to find the clues and all. Fun giler. First pit stop was @ Mercedes where groups are supposed to have the hoolla hoop game, then the Tic Tech centre to do something with chopsticks, then basketball court @ Blk 714, blindfolded and dribble a ball, then Mc Cafe at West coast Park, then the playground at West Coast park before reaching the end point which is the Chest Garden. I was stationed at the basketball court. After the whole thingy, we gathered at the Chest Garden for dinner buffet, some music and get together. Then wat a surprise ! The emcee announced my name and Kak Noraini's name coz we are celebrating our birthdays real soon. So the presented us with a slice of cake and sang us a birthday song. SO touching. Whole company singing u a birthday song but with only a slice of cake. Haha. Anyway thanks to Anthony for the cake. I will be putting up the photos of the amazing challenge at my online photo album so do take a peek.
On Sat, 17/09/08, my baby was working so waited for him to come home to celebrate my birthday. We went to Han River for steamboat BBQ. He wanted to go for Cafe Vienna but I dun know, i preferred Han River. Maybe the other time I went to Cafe Vienna, i didn't really enjoy the main course. I only enjoyed the desserts. So I think it'll be more worthwhile to go for the high tea instead. Ate all my hearts out at Han River.
My Birthday, 18/09/05 - Was supposed to celebrate my birthday alone this year coz my baby has to overtime. But hey change of plans, he didn't so we went to Swensen to have our apple crumble. Didn't do much. Went home after that.
19/09/05 - My future in laws gave me a birthday treat at Bagus IMM. I least expected them to remember my birthday let alone celebrate it with me. It was very nice of them. I also received presents from them. They gave me a key chain with my name inscribed on it and also with my horoscope. It was very sweet of them. THank you guys for taking the trouble to celebrate my birthday for me. I really appreciate it.
24/09/05 - Darling's working afternoon shift. Worked today so met him at Jurong East today. Done something to my hair. Nothing much
25/09/05 - My darling's off day. Bringing the kids to McDonald's tomorrow for breakfast and after that all the time is ours. Tot of spending time with each other tomorrow but haven't got plans yet. We'll see.....
Wow, i think this must have been the most lengthy input I've ever written. Got to go now.
Friday, September 23, 2005,1:20 PM
Ok pple... just a short msg cos im in the office!! hehe... This yr Hari Raya Outing will be early... 12th November 2005, Saturday. I dunno how many of my frens will see this msg but those who seen, please pass the msg around... haha ok shah i will send a mass email very soon!! Ermm... this one is the yearly BLSS outing eh plus org-org lain yg ader sangkut-paut tu... paham-paham jer la... (hmmz biler lah aku nak bawak partner nie?).. to those of my frens who are not part of my BLSS clan (eg. polymates etc) do email or call me should you want to organise an outing as well... haha macamlah polymates aku baca ini blog... sajer jer nak panjang kan citer... ok adios!!
Saturday, September 03, 2005,10:28 PM
Haha, its been a while since I last blogged. Busy pun ye..malas pun ye. Nothing much has happened in my life. Looking forward for my V.P to break the good or bad news to us on 19th Sept. There has been so much uncertainties these days. I dun know if Wilh. Wilhelmsen will need my service.I hope they do coz well there goes my very comfortable income if they dun need me. Ok, lets keep our finger crossed.
Haven't been doing much lately. Oh yeah just last week went to our friends's gathering, (Suriati), and we get to see her baby. Cute and small baby. I think she's gonna be petite just like her momma. Oh yeah, and my dad, my sis and me was without my mum for 6 days last week. Imagine 6 days w/o ur mum, how miserable can ur life be. No home cooked food, laundry have to do urself, nobody to talk to...My mum went to Bangkok with her friends for 6 days. It was an all aunties outing. So there's one Sat Fawcett came over to accompany me. My baby's working for how many weekends..i dun know..lost count. But tomorrow he's taking leave to spend time with me. We tot of going to the movies, pig out (of course!!) and of course to spend a romantic evening together at our usual place, at the Esplanade (not along the durian, the old one, opposite Padang). That place has been our favourite haunt since we started dating donkey years ago. Looking at the skycrapers, the waves, the stars...its really romantic. We talked about the past, present and our future and we made a pact...that even though if we are married with children, we will still be walking at the same path holding hands and reminisce the good old times.
Woah, quite a long entry for someone who says there's nothin much going on with her life. But i wonder ader ke orang baca our blog ni Fawcett ? Ok lah, my head's killing to go..oh yeah...these are some of the pix taken on one fateful nite...3 girls and a guy (all crazy !!) To see more, do take a peek at our online photo albums. - S


3 rockers w/ Fawcett as leader of d pack