Tuesday, August 30, 2005,8:07 PM
Eh kengkawan... i just got this from the Sentosa Team.. mcm gerekz kan... biler nak gi ??? dah mcm berzaman tak jejak Sentosa.. Kkehekhekheee...... its called "The Sentosa Luge".

The Luge which originated in New Zealand is a fun-filled gravity ride on a three-wheel-cart using a unique braking and steering system that gives the rider full control. The non- motorized cart operates on the principles of gravity and provides a fun ride on a downward slope. The riders are in total control of how laidback or thrilling they desire to be.
The Sentosa Luge is situated at the hilltop, opposite the Carlsberg Sky Tower at the Imbiah Lookout cluster of attractions. The track is 650 metres of downhill fun with lush green forest and stunning beach views.
In addition, the quad chairlift which rides 60 feet above ground offers a breathtaking bird's eye view of Sentosa's canopy of secondary rainforest.
$8/adt per ride (more rides u purhase, the cheaper it gets!!)
,3:26 PM
Alo sumua.... Apa kabar? Awat lama aku tak dgr berita dari hang hang sumua... Eh salah... hang hang yang lama tak baca blog entry kami naww... (Macam lah ader ramai sangat yg baca pon) Lagu nie.... bukan kami sumua dah tak interested nak nulis blog nie.. cuma kami berdua nie sibok lah bebenor... Yerla apa tak nya... hardworking la katakan... (Hardworking ker malas nak tulis entry jer) Crita punya crita, nie aku ada nak habaq sesuatu kat hangpa sumua... kat opis aku sekarang nie ada orang baru... 'Ibu' dari Makassar indonesia... dah seminggu lebih la dia kerja kat sini... Bukan apa... bukan aku tak suka tapi dia tu... yer la trained in Biz Dev. & Mktg so semua benda dia buat nak professional. Mmglah untung kalau aku blajar dari dia, tapi tu cara dia tu terlalu baik la! (haha apa seh org buat baik pon salah) ya la hangpa sumua taulah apa maksud aku.. kalau aku nie otak jahat mesti aku ingat ada cicak di sebalik frame.. tapi org buat baik takkan la aku nak mengata dia pulak kan.. Dlm baik baik dia tu, ada la nampak kedegilan tu.. (maklomlah dia kata dia orang bugis) cuma nak tegur tak sampai ati, sebab bual pon teratur tata tertib.. Boss aku la selalu jadi sasaran aku nak lepaskan geram tu... Tapi ari nie, boss aku pulak tak masuk ofis sebab ader hal, so... Sabar jer la farah...!! Sebab tu aku masuk blog nie, konon lepas geram ah nie.. Sudahlah, malas aku nak habaq banyak2 pasal dia, takda pekdah nya. Buat penat jari menaip ja.
So..... nak tanya sikit, hangpa sumua nie dah tengok gambar dlm photoalbum kami belom? Pi la singgah, ada gambar orang-orang yg tak betul sikit tu. Haha... Oklah, aku cabot dulu... nanti aku sambung lagi ah... Assalammualaikum!! -FaWcEtT-
Friday, August 12, 2005,10:49 PM
Hey..am down with flu now. Its been 2 days already and i have been bracing myself up by not going to the doctor. Haha..If i were to see doctor she would surely give me m.c. And also partly becoz i have an audit by Arne from Oslo, Norway. I think i did pretty well during the auditing..well, answered the questions very confidently. I think i got the flu bug from my baby who is well now. And i still have to work tomorrow how sick is that. But nevermind, looking forward for next week coz i won't be in the office for 3 days to attend an excel training and exam after the training. At least i get to go home early for 3 straight days, no need to slog in the office...Haha...I've got a temperature still and really feeling uncomfortable. Gotta take my medicine now. Bye for now. - ShahFendi-
Tuesday, August 09, 2005,4:36 PM
Urrghhh... Heard that it was good and worth going! Yeah saw some clips that my bro took and yes it was cool... but hey, i always can meet 'him' @ HRC KL!! hahaha... yea dream on Fawcett!! ;) anyways.... HAPPY 40th BIRTHDAY SINGAPOREEE!!!!!!! proud to be a SiNgApOrEaN ;)
,12:21 AM

To the best band ever
SUEDE, U Rock ! I am really an ardent fan of
SUEDE who religiously bought all of their albums. Some of my friends knows me as
SUEDE freak, even my boyfriend thinks i'm crazy but u've got to really listen to their songs. Their songs are all too human, Very tragi-comic dramas about real people and real lives. or as
BRETT once put it, “about the used condom under the bed.” their story – without wishing to sound too cynical, humourless or (god forbid) pretentious – is a testament to the power of the human spirit. Below are some pix of the ever gorgeous BRETT ANDERSON and of course SUEDE as a group. -ShahFendi-

Sunday, August 07, 2005,10:32 PM
Hey..today is a happy day...not so happy though coz my baby is sick, down with flu..Hope he'll get better tomorrow. Aniways..went to one of my pal's wedding..yes..another one of us getting hitched ! But sadly only a few of us turn up..Me, Fawcett, Razi, Kak Lina, Lene and Shirley..Sab went yesterday..Azrina can't make it others..hhmmm..i dun know where....I think that was the longest "jemputan" that i ever attended. We were there from 2 pm till about 4.15 pm. Reunion wif your old friends are the best time you had coz that's when all the merepekkksss starts..And Hazean, of course she looked so pretty with her groom. Congrats !! Hope you'll have a happy journey with the man you love, sincerely...Went home straight by cab after dropping Razi and Farah off. My baby reached home at about 5 pm and i served him lunch and after resting for a while, give him his medication and after that he slept...Then after maghrib, met Fawcett and Razi again to chill out...Just came back from hanging out with them coz Razi has to work and my baby has to rest...So for now a pix that we took just now at Hazean's wedding. Enjoy ! - ShahFendi-

A few pretty ladies and 1 gentleman

Anak "Metro" on the way to keinsafan (chong dier si Ah Lian kat tengah2 tu)
Saturday, August 06, 2005,12:17 AM

Arwah Atok Yah & Arwah Anjang
with my Mom
Taken on my mom's birthday 12 June 2004
Friday, August 05, 2005,11:37 PM
5 Months and 4 Days after the absence of my Grandmother Atok Yah, one of my favourite Uncle, whom i affectionately call Anjang, went away to be with Allah. No one ever expected it at all. Yes, he was suffering from diabetes, HBP and some others, but he was one strong man. Always the 'joker' in the family. Always the cheerful one. Always the one who readily offers to bring us anywhere, anytime, anyday. He was the one to bring joy to my brother's wedding, singing quite a number of songs on that day. The last song being "Suci Dalam Debu" by Iklim. And yes, when i told my frens about the sad news, they remember him by that song.. "Ouh yg karaoke masa abg kau kawin tu eh?".. "Ouh.. yg kasi speech yg berjela tu eh?" He did made an impact on a lot of people.
A week before he went away, my mom had this weird feeling like she frequently have. Except this time, she burst into tears without knowing the cause. Now i realise, how great the relationship between siblings can be. A few days before his demise, he called almost all his sisters including my mom. He wanted to plan for a Kenduri Tahlil for my late Atok Yah and kenduri before Ramadhan and wanted my mom to cook. But he didnt manage to fulfil it.
2 Months ago, he did tell me that he wants to bring his wife and kids to Batam for a holiday end of this year and wanted me to take care of it. And again, he can't fulfil it.
His eldest son, Uzaini, just emailed me. Never before did we contact each other when we dun meet. But i guess, like most people say, ader hikmah di sebalik apa yg dah berlaku. Probably this is wat makes our relationship stronger. Uzaini mentioned in his email for me to visit them whenever i am in KL. This makes me recall wat my mom asked me thru the phone while i was holidaying in KL a few weeks ago. My mom asked, "Kau tak singgah umah Anjang, Farah?" and i replied, "Eh tak lah, mana sempat?" Somehow i regret saying all those, cos now i tak sempat jumpa Anjang for the last time. But wat's passed is passed. I'll just have to learn to accept the fact. Aku redha.......
I guess i treasure my life more now. I have ignored what i should have done for quite a long time. Maybe its time for me to once again asked for forgiveness and a peace of mind and soul from Allah. and i really hope this time, it lasts....
Anjang & Atok Yah, kau ku kenang selamanya.. Mungkin sudah terlambat utk aku meminta ampun dan maaf darimu, tetapi ku harap kau telah ampunkan segala dosaku kepadamu selama ini... Aku berdoa agar Allah mengampunkan segala dosa2mu dan menempatkan kau di golongan yg beriman dan bertaqwa. Amin.....Aku sangat merinduikan kehadiran mu...
Yg Benar,
Farah Farizza.
Monday, August 01, 2005,12:05 AM
I was feeling all sentimental suddenly and I was pondering what the love of my life was telling me just now....that i no longer am a romantic person and not expressive enough towards him. Maybe yes, I have neglected you in some ways and become one hella jealous and hot tempered freak..I'm sorry...But u know there are some things that are better left to be unsaid..So here i am baby, listen to what my heart has to say thru this lyric.... & By the way Happy 8 years and 4 months anniversary darling...I love u....
Everything I Own....... You sheltered me from harm.Kept me warm, kept me warmYou gave my life to meSet me free, Set me freeThe finest years I ever knew were all the years I had with youI would give anything I own, Give up me life, my heart, my home.I would give everything I own, just to have you back again.You taught me how to love, What its of, what its of.You never said too much,but still you showed the way, and I knew from watching you.Nobody else could ever know the part of me that can't let go.I would give anything I own,Give up me life, my heart, my home.I would give everything I ownJust to have you back again.Is there someone you know,you're loving them so, but taking them all for granted.You may lose them one day,someone takes them away,and they don't hear the words you long to sayI would give anything I own,Give up me life, my heart, my home.I would give everything I ownJust to have you back again.-ShahFendi-