Wednesday, June 29, 2005,4:23 PM
Hey all!! If u are just wondering where i've been, well still here! Kinda changed my mind abt blogging everytime i logged in (senang cakap MALAS). haha..anyways nothing much to update abt me.. still same old story. It only gets interesting when i found my MR Right. hehe! Just to let you know, i'm off to KL/Cameron tmr evening with 'SemPoi' (u'll find out who Sempoi is next week! Stay Tuned!). Trip sponsored by Tourism Malaysia & Equatorial Hotel. Tell u more abt it and definitely will go clicking with my new SONY Cybershot (well my dad's actually!). Hopefully i can get use to using it, cos u know, i'm more familiar with Shah's. So do check out this blog again next week for my updates ok dudes and dudettes! Meantime, do enjoy Shah's Bangkok photos!
Current updates: (1) KL Trip is now confirmed on 22-24 Jul. Departing 22nd night @ 2200hrs. Hotel Stay @ Ancasa Hotel. CHEAP CHEAP! hehe.. Confirmed participants - ME, Shah, Fendi, Razi. Please to those who is reading this, let me know by 8Jul if u wanna join in. Strictly for ex-BLSS members only hehe OOPS!
(2) Benut World of Durian Trip has been postponed due to some unforseen circumstances. Well it looks more like cancelled than postponed cos there's no guarantee that the durians will stay! haha! Meantime, just enjoy the durians sold in Singapore. (EH quite cheap ah! Bought 14 packs of it last week! For just 14 BUCKS!) But of course, the thrill of eating it in a hut in the durian plantation is lost.
(3) To those who still have not replied to Hazean's msg abt ur addresses, please do so thru me or directly to her ok?
Well, i guess that should be all for now folks! Fawcett signing off.. Good 'Night'. (leh jadi reporter tak? hahA!)
Monday, June 27, 2005,11:12 PM
Hi, haven't been blogging coz so bz. Juz came back from Bangkok yesterday. It was a tiring trip. It was a very short trip but itinerary was so packed !! All we did was shop..till we drop. Went to quite a lot of places, Suan Lum night market, Chatuchak, Pratunam, Mah Boon Krong but gosh Bangkok was so hot !!! There were so many things to buy but I just dun know what to buy. Maybe its the weather that's making me so uncomfortable. Didn't know what to buy. Went with 1 backpack, came back with 2 bags. Hah!! Dun know what to buy eh. I didn't get to ride tuk tuk coz my colleagues were kinda scared. Nvm, I shall go for the second time and this time I make sure i really shop. So tired now. That's all for now..Till then -ShahFendi-
Thursday, June 16, 2005,11:28 PM
Hi, just finished watching DIA. I became a more angry person after watching this show just because of one character. FIFI !!!! Oh, my god, I have never seen anyone so vicious and materialistic and selfish in this planet earth. If i ever meet her, I wanna, slap, punch, pull her her hair out of her nostrils clean!!!! Ya man...damn, what a bitch ! Okay enuf of this FIFI !! My blood boils seeing this drama.
Oh yeah, this week quite exciting. Met my insurance agent wif Fawcett..then hang out and go home just in time for the drama. Yesterday I met my BP mates from M'sia, HK and Taiwan. I really miss my BP mates. I met them at Traders Hotel, as usual, Bp preferred hotel besides Shangri-La, had dinner wif Eddy and later met Linda and Janice. Yesterday was Janice's birthday so I brought them to HRC to celebrate. What a pity I cant meet the rest...Susan still in Rotterdam. Kinda miss her. Went home and met Fawcett coz she wanna pass my camera back to me coz I am leaving Bangkok next week. Cant wait for the weekend coz felt sick of my work. Piles & piles of stuff to be done in the office but wat da can never finish so take it easy. Worried for my baby now coz he's so stressed out at this workplace. K lah, enuf for now...will blog again some other time..-ShahFendi-
Tuesday, June 14, 2005,11:31 PM
Is it getting better
Or do you feel the same
Will it make it easier on you now
You got someone to blame
You say...
One love
One life
When it's one need
In the night
One love
We get to share it
Leaves you baby if you
Don't care for it
Did I disappoint you
Or leave a bad taste in your mouth
You act like you never had love
And you want me to go without
Well it's...
Too late
To drag the past out into the light
We're one, but we're not the same
We get to
Carry each other
Carry each other
Have you come here for forgiveness
Have you come to raise the dead
Have you come here to play Jesus
To the lepers in your head
Did I ask too much
More than a lot
You gave me nothing
Now it's all I got
We're one
But we're not the same
Well we
Hurt each other
Then we do it again
You say
Love is a temple
Love a higher law
Love is a temple
Love the higher law
You ask me to enter
But then you make me crawl
And I can't be holding on
To what you got
When all you got is hurt
One love
One blood
One life
You got to do what you should
One life
With each other
One life
But we're not the same
We get to
Carry each other
Carry each other
~~~~One Life But we're not the same~~~~-Shah Fendi-
,9:41 PM
Hello...just wanna blog before CSI starts. Eddy called just now and tell me that they are organising a gathering to celebrate Janice's birthday. Dun know whether i should go or not. But i miss my BP mates. I wanna meet Dini, Eddy, Janice, Jayne missed Willy so much. Didn't expect they remember me but they did. Love them all. I am also meeting my insurance agent coz she wanna pass my gifts to me. I dun know. See how lah tomorrow. K, gtg..Till next time.. - ShahFendi-
Sunday, June 12, 2005,11:24 PM
Sunday as always is a very boring day. Felt like I haven't had enuf rest for the weekend and now i have to start a new week tomorrow. How boring. Brought the kids to McDonald's today wif my baby. Then send him off to work, coz he's on afternoon shift. Then stayed home for movie marathon..and also finishing up my laundry. Nothing much...K lah got to go...Till next time.. -ShahFendi-
,12:36 AM
Well, this week has been a hectic week for me. Failing my evaluation, whole network system down for 2 damn days and now doing piles & piles of my laundry. Dirty Laundry..yeah..Dun feel like elaborating much....bout what has happened over the week. TOday went to my bridal tailor to make my solemnisation baju. Finally found someone who can make bustier. So bought laces, bridal satin and crepe at Arab Street wif my momma and my baby of course. Just simple white lace and for my baby, white crepe. Then went shopping at suntec, bought my baby 2 tops, adidas and oakley. Suntec was full of people coz they are having midnite additional 15% discount. Not a bad offer huh? Wanna sleep but cant coz I slept for a full 12 hours yesterday. Actually planning to go to work to finish up my backlog but just cant woke up in the morning. Tomrw gotta wake up rather early coz got to bring the kids down to McDonalds for breakfast. Its pitiful for the kids without their dad around. Kinda miss my bro-in-law. Wonder how he's doing back there in Halifax, Canada. Hope everything will be fine for him and he will come back for my photo taking session in Nov and my wedding in April. Gotta go... the washing machine is yelling for me !!! Out -ShahFendi-
Friday, June 10, 2005,11:02 PM
Hey All!! How u doing? I just came back from KL last Sunday... Boy it sure was tiring but fun!! Not that we went to interesting places but its fun to be with our relatives teasing and joking with one another. Cant wait for another gathering with them!! Anyway, highlight of the trip, i went to Times Square KL. Yeah took most of the thrilling rides which i cant believe i dared to try. It was pure satisfaction to have take the challenge to try them and u guys should too! Maybe to u its not THAT scary, but to me it really does! hehe.. Well, photos on KL trip are up on my online album. Check it out @ Till later pple!! Adios! -FaWcEtT-

Pit Stop on the way to KL. Can remember which stop though hehe.. Group Photo @ Times Square KL
Sunday, June 05, 2005,10:27 PM
Hei friends..Do check out the photos in our photo albums yeah !
,12:06 AM
Allo...just a short one today. As usual life in S'pore is very boring...Morning werk and then go shopping, see movies or just walking around. Didn't do much today, in the morning werk then went to Orchard to shop. Bought bikini (again!!), beach shorts, belt, esprit t-shirt and a beach dress. I think I'm all set to go to Bali !
Actually supposed to buy swimsuit but bought bikini instead. Me and my baby and farah wants to make it a point to go swimming after work to build up our stamina. See our dear friend has even started to jog nowadays. Hahaha!!! SO Farah, still no swimsuit so I cant go swimming next week. Anyiways, Farah should be enjoying herself in KL now. How lucky ! But nvm, this month I'm off to Bangkok and then next month, July, insyallah we all go to KL...Any of my dearest friends reading this blog of ours wanna follow to KL, silakan...Just call me or Farah.
Dunno wat to write now. K lah..till next time. Adios -ShahFendi-
Thursday, June 02, 2005,12:36 AM
i am still trying to convince myself that i DID went jogging earlier on @ 8pm!! Hehe.. i really had no idea why.. earlier in the office, i asked my boss if its best to jog in the morning or its ok to jog at night. he went on explaining to me what's best, wat i should do what i should not, how do i start exercising and even showing me how to do warm ups! haha... if only he stays here in the west area, he would have become my personal trainer!! so after work, i went straight home..& mom told me to help her make some epok2. so after finishing with the epoks.. i changed into my running gear (cheh wah)... well bermudas and tee la! did some warm ups at home and went down.. i started with a brisk walk from home till the main road.. and started to jog very slowly.. i didnt run far today thinking that its my firsst day since so long.. but all in all from warm ups to cooling down i did it all in 45 mins.. i feel great... had a good shower.. and went with my parents to visit my uncle who's going for umrah tmr.. but guess wat pple!! my legs are so sore!! hahahhaha!!! damn! i think i have to do a few more jogs till i get use to this... nope i will never stop at first day again!! hehe.. 1st time was with my best fren Azrina, and then my abg.. but this time, im gonna make sure i have all the discipline i need!! SHAH and FENDI, u are gonna join me babe and hunk!! hehehe.. i make sure u guys do that with me.. =) well ok.. kinda sleepy now.. take care all!! --FaWcEtT--
Wednesday, June 01, 2005,12:50 AM

well well.. this is my second photo of the Baduts i met.. the first was the one @ Novotel Batam. and this @ harris batam. i'll make sure i'll compile all and make a Badut Collection!! hehhe... --FaWcEtT--